
I have a problem with keydown event and autocomplete in Firebox on mac.

Hi, This is driving me nuts. Its a tough one to explain but Ill have a go. I have one input text field on the front page of my site. I have coded a keydown event observer which checks the keyCode and if its ENTER (or equiv), itll check the input value (email). If the email is valid and unique in the DB itll submit the form. Basic stuff...

How to automatically email customers registration keys?

I've written a bit of software that I'd like to share with others (a Mac Dashboard widget, specifically), but I'd also like to be compensated a bit for the time I spent on it. I've devised my own simple registration key algorithm, which takes a customer's email address and creates a 12-character alphanumeric key. The software itself is f...

IE e.keyCode - How can I differentiate between ampersand and up-arrow?

I am fighting with a very strange javascript behavior on a jQuery UI widget I'm trying to fix. IE7 (win XP), jQuery 1.2.6 (yes, it's an old version). The widget is a combo-box, which captures keyboard events and has special behaviors for the arrow keys. When I try to type the "&" character into the flexbox input field, I get strange be...

Convert sequence of System.Windows.Forms.Keys to a Char

Is there a way to convert a sequence of keystrokes represented by the Keys enum (i.e. System.Windows.Forms.Keys) in a Char. For example: Keys.Oem4 and then Keys.A yields the char á. It must exist somewhere in the WinAPI, because Windows does that for me, when I press keys inside a text-box... I just don't know where. Please help! thanks....

How do i replace a key up keyCode with another in jQuery?

I currently have a table which only has a single editable column. I have a jQCuery change() event associated with the column's input controls to prevent any non numeric keys being pressed, other than tab / delete / backspace. I would like to replace the Enter key with a Tab press. Can someone please show me the relevant statement to re...

How can I translate Linux keycodes from /dev/input/event* to ASCII in Perl?

I'm writing a Perl script that reads data from the infamous /dev/input/event* and I didn't find a way to translate the key codes generated by the kernel into ASCII. I'm talking about the linux key codes in this table here and I can't seem to find something that would help me translate them without hardcoding an array into the script. ...

send key code to command line program os x bash script

I want to make a script that starts a program and then sends it key input. In psuedo-script: #!/bin/bash ./program << (PRESS CONTROL-Z) The program is running so if there were additional commands in the script they will not be reached unless say control-z terminates the program. Is this possible? From what I've found I thought it mig...

Capture *all* display-characters in JavaScript?

I was given an unusual request recently that I'm having the most difficult time addressing that involves capturing all display-characters when typed into a text box. The set up is as follows: I have a text box that has a maxlength of 10 characters. When the user attempts to type more than 10 characters, I need to notify the user that th...

Whats the KeyCode for overwriting a text in TextBox in winforms

I have a custom control which extends from TextBox. In the KeyDown event of the control I have access to the KeyCode property of keyEventArgs If the text in the textbox is selected and some other text is typed on top of it, the keyCodes that I am getting in the KeyDown event are different each time and in the KeyPress event I get the ac...

What is the keyCode for left and right ctrl key?

I'm coding a function in jquery that executes if ctrl+R is pressed but I can't seem to find out what the left and right ctrl keycodes are....can someone please help? UPDATE ///this works $(document).keydown(function(e){ if(e.keyCode==17){alert("control was pressed")}; }); Next Question-- How do I link control key press...

Difference between C++ Keyboard keycode and JAVA KeyEvent keycode

I noticed a difference between the keycodes that vkCode in C++ gives and the ones that Java's KeyEvent gives us. (Ofcourse the normal characters have the same code (0 => 48 just like the ASCII) but they differ in the other keys). Is there a way to 'translate' them from one to the other (What's the logic behind each one?) or am I supposed...

What preferred way to reconcile keyCode/charCode across browsers?

Based on the properties of the keydown event I would like to ascertain what the current charCode are? Example. For the keydown event when the NumPad0, D0, and Colon key is pressed I would like to know what the associated charcode is. Currently I have a map that contains the charcode associated with that keyCode or use the current if c...

Convert character to the corresponding virtual-key code

Hi, Currently, I'm using the method VkKeyScan in the Win32 API to convert a character to its virtual-key code. But the problem that this seems to have is that, when i pass small alphabets, it works fine whereas when i pass in a capital alphabet, it doesn't return the appropriate key code and similarly with special characters like "(" or...

Convert character to virtual key code

I have a string of values, and I want to simulate key press events in a window for each character. I plan on sending WM_KEYDOWN, WM_CHAR, and WM_KEYUP events to the window (as that is what seems to happen whan a key is manually pressed). Those messages require an int be sent in the wParam based on a table of virtual key codes. I can l...

How can I handle ArrowKeys and < (Greater Than) in a Javascript function? Which event and which code (charCode Or keyCode)?

How can I handle ArrowKeys and < (Greater Than) in a Javascript function? Which event and which code (charCode Or keyCode)? I am very confused how to do this. I have read this link very carefully, Events and keyCode+charCode, but I could not find any solution for my scenario. ...

keycode for ctrl

For multiple selection in a Jtree,I am using multiple selection mode in it.It works.But I want to know when i am making multiple selection exactly in this tree to do this i wrote a very simple keycontroller class that implements KeyListener, but i wanna check whether ctrl is pressed or not to do so i am using this code but it seems to be...

event key code for ampersand?

Hello I am trying to find the keycode for ampersand and underscore. I should not allow my users to allow to enter ampersands and underscores. I was taking a look at one list, and it mentions 55 as the keycode for both 7 & ampersand, and another list says that 55 is the keycode for 7. So if I return false when my user hits the keycode 55,...

Ctrl+- (Ctrl+Hyphen-Minus) as ShortCut Key?

It might seem natural to use Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, and Ctrl+0 as shortcuts for an application's zoom in, zoom out, and restore default zoom (typically 100 %) actions. Now, in Delphi, I am able to assign Ctrl++ and Ctrl+0 as shortcuts. The former, though, requires that the plus sign of the main part of the keyboard is used; the plus sign of the...

jQuery keyup keyCode doesn't work in Opera

Hi, Is it possible that the opera browser ignore the keyCode 40 (arrow down)? $('#test').keyup(function(e) { $('body').append('' + e.keyCode + ''); }) Test it at: Thanks in advance! Peter ...

Javascript HTML5 Capture keyCode and write to Canvas

I'm writing an application in which I need to simulate a textarea. The only way I know how to approach it is to capture the keyCode on a key event. How would one go about taking that keyCode and, supporting utf-8, apply that to the canvas? Cheers ...