
How to prepare KML file for Android Emulator Control ?

I am trying to test my application with location information. You know the Emulator Control has an ability to load from KML file. (Eclipse -> DDMS -> Emulator Control -> Location Controls -> KML -> Load KML...) I've prepared KML file using Google earth application with its "Add path". Then saved it by .kml extension and load it on the Ec...

Nesting KMZ files

Is it possible to create one KMZ file that is composed of several smaller KMZ files? I would prefer to not have to manually merge the actual KML entities, but I will if that's the only option. Thanks, Matthew ...

KML + Google Earth: Big complex overlay with timeline selector?

Got a question regarding overlays and timelines in Google Earth (or possibly other KML-friendly clients). I have data for every minute of the day for a given day that represents a numeric value for various areas on the map, and I want to display that data in a manner that looks basically like a weather radar map. So, for each minute, I...

How do you create a polygon shape in a KML that is positioned in the air?

I need to be able to place a polygon object with a given height into a KML that will be located above the ground. I'm looking to display airspace information into a KML and each airspace has a low altitude and and high altitude value. The closest thing I have been able to do so far is to create two polygons with different altitudes t...

Using KML / KMZ on top of google maps

To test I saved this html file to my server. Is there a simple way to include a KML or KMZ file here? <!DOCTYPE html "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>...

Google Earth Browser Plugin not loading KML file in some browsers

code: google.load("earth", "1"); function gemap_init() {'gemap', initCB, failureCB); } function initCB(instance) { try { ge = instance; ge.getWindow().setVisibility(true); console.log(ge.getPluginVersion());, '', ...

KML + Google Earth: Fill a quadrilateral with a bitmap?

I'm building a KML file to use as a map layer in Google Earth and whatever else handles KML/KMZ files. What I want to do is this: Display a number of bitmap images such that each is stretched to fit into a specified quadrilateral, where the first vertex of the quadrilateral specified would, for example, be the top-left corner of the bit...

KML + Google Earth: Make a Polygon or GroundOverlay clickable?

Pretty simple question. I've got some Polygons and GroundOverlays defined in KML. Is there a way to specify that they should be clickable, and (in Google Earth, at least) pop up an info balloon or similar when they are clicked? Similarly, is it possible to give polygons/GroundOverlays any sort of mouseover behavior? e.g. change the i...

loading google maps data into searchable data structure

For my CS bachelors I am doing a Senior project using android and google maps. My vision was to do a (relatively) simple Dijkstra shortest path using google maps road data. I was going to add elevation change along with 2D distance. I am doing well playing with maps in android but I am completely stumped trying to access google maps dat...

Generating a KML heatmap from given data set of [lat, lon, density]

I am looking to build a static KML (Google Earth markup) file which displays a heatmap-style rendering of a few given data sets in the form of [lat, lon, density] tuples. A very straightforward data set I have is for population density. My requirements are: must be able to feed in data for a given lat, lon must be able to specific th...

Making A KML file for Timeline in Google earth that splits off Linear Path

We are trying to make a timeline in google earth that connects to different points around the globe. We made the KML file and it works just fine with a linear path with consecutive times/points, but would like to make the path branch off into different paths at certain times. How do we manipulate the KML to include the branching lines?...

Hiding Terrain in Google Maps

I'm generating a KML file to show a map with placemarks in Google Earth. For this purpose the terrain (topographical detail) doesn't help; I just want solid color like you would see if you selected "Map" in Google Maps. What is the KML to do this? I can't find anything in the KML documentation. ...

Does the Android API support KML files?

Is there a way in Android to load KML files from Google Earth into a map widget? Specifically I am looking to load saved shapes created in Google Earth overtop a map widget as easily as possible. Has anybody ever tried this before? ...

Can i use placemark id's in a tour?

Hi there i am experimenting with building my own tours. How may i use an already created placemark id in a <gx:FlyTo>? example placemark <Placemark id="vbhpin"> <name>Elkridge Volleyball House</name> <description> Learn more at </description> <styleUrl>pushpin</styleUrl> <Po...

getting maps to accept a dynamically generated KML file?

Hi. I have a button that launches the google maps app on my device via an intent. I want to be able to pass it a php page that generates a KML file. I have done this on a website before using the googlemaps api in JS - but it doesn't seem to work on Android. My php file is as follows; <?php echo '<kml xmlns="

Converting uint color to argb hexadecimal for kml color

Good day everyone, I am stuck trying to convert a uint color value into its equivalent argb hexadecimal format. Basically, I am trying to convert a color from Flex(AS3) into its appropriate kml color, which is in the argb hexadecimal format from what I gather. Below is my function as it stands now. Although it does convert into a val...

how to use kml file in my code..

i download a kml file : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns=""&gt; <Document> <Style id="transGreenPoly"> <LineStyle> <width>1.5</width> </LineStyle> <PolyStyle> <color>7d00ff00</color> </PolyStyle> </Style> <Style id="transYellowPoly"> ...

which is the best library(python or javascipt) to save the google-maps info(kml file)..

i want to save the user's map info ,and then loading them when they need. i use python(pinax) and jquery , thanks ...

Getting "<kml:..." everywhere, updating a Kml file

I'm reading in a Kml file, changing the placemarks' names, and saving it again. var KmlFile = XDocument.Load("C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\GeotagService\\Kml\\Photographs.kml"); XNamespace KmlNamespace = ""; // find the Placemarks in the Photos folder IEnumerable<XElement> Placemarks = KmlFile.Element(KmlNamespa...

why my code does not load the kml file ..(it is the simplest way)

this is my google-map code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" > <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,min...