
range for integer values of chars in c++

I'm reading The C++ Programming Language and in it Stroustrup states that the int value of a char can range from 0 to 255 or -127 to 127, depending on implementation. Is this correct? It seems like it should be from -128 to 127. If not, why are their only 255 possible values in the second implementation possibility, not 256. ...

Why is (void) 0 a no operation in C and C++?

I have seen debug printfs in glibc which internally is defined as (void) 0, if NDEBUG is defined. Likewise the __noop for Visual C++ compiler is there too. The former works on both GCC and VC++ compilers, while the latter only on VC++. Now we all know that both the above statements will be treated as no operation and no respective code w...