
What's it like to work in a large programming team?

I've always felt lucky to work in a small programming team. I think the most I've worked with is 11 programmers. What is it like working on a project with hundreds of developers? Thousands? What does scale and what doesn't? EDIT: Thanks for all the responses! There seem to be very few positives: possible to work on mega-large codeb...

Can software developing in a large team be interesting and fun?

I've been in the business of developing hardware and software for 19 years now. In the earlier days the projects and teams I worked on were smaller, much more effective and more fun. The effect of the input of one single developer to the final product and to its success was evident to everybody. We had direct contact to and feedback fro...

Does Python work in larger teams?

I read this post last night and it got me thinking. I like python and "batteries", pypi and such. But I've only done python solo. Never tried it in a team. Are the points that Ted mentions valid? If they are how do teams cope with them? Does Python work in teams or even large teams? Or it kills productivity? I personally see the proble...