
Python: how so fast?

The period of the Mersenne Twister used in the module random is (I am told) 2**19937 - 1. As a binary number, that is 19937 '1's in a row (if I'm not mistaken). Python converts it to decimal pretty darned fast: $ python -m timeit '2**19937' 10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0271 usec per loop $ python -m timeit -s 'result = 0' 'result += ...

Efficient way to manipulate large powers of two

The most efficient way to code powers of two is by bit shifting of integers. 1 << n gives me 2^n However, if I have a number that is larger than the largest value allowed in an int or a long, what can I use to efficiently manipulate powers of 2? (I need to be able to perform addition, multiplication, division and modulus operations on...

Algorithm for dividing very large numbers

I need to write an algorithm(I cannot use any 3rd party library, because this is an assignment) to divide(integer division, floating parts are not important) very large numbers like 100 - 1000 digits. I found algorithm but I don't know if it's the right way to go. Do you have any suggestions...

Long ints in Fortran

I'm trying to work with large numbers (~10^14), and I need to be able to store them and iterate over loops of that length. ie. n=SOME_BIG_NUMBER do i=n,1,-1 I've tried the usual star notation, kind=8 etc. but nothing seemed to work. Then I checked the huge(i) functions, and the code: program inttest print *,huge(1) print *,huge...

Optimise arithmetic operations on very large numbers

I want to compute the function H(n) where H(0)=0; H(i)=H(i-1)×A+Ci mod B; 10<=A,B<=10^15; C is an array of n elements But it is taking too much time...any better way of doing this..Please help public BigInteger H(int no) { if(no>0) { bi=H(no-1); bi=bi.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf...

Which data type to use for a very large number in c++?

I have to store the number 600851475143 in my program. I tried to store it in long long int variable and long double as well but on compiling it shows the error "integer constant is too large for "long" type.". I have also tried unsigned long long int too. I m using MinGW 5.1.6 for running g++ on windows. What datatype should I use o sto...

Extremely Large Integers in PHP

Possible Duplicate: Working with large numbers in PHP. I run a completely useless Facebook app. I'm having a problem with PHP's support for integers. Basically, users give themselves ridiculous numbers of points. The current "king" has 102,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,002,557,529,927 poin...