
HTML table - fixed width columns and horizontal scroll

I need to create an HTML table which has fixed column widths, say 200px for each column. If the table exceeds the horizontal width of the browser viewport then there should be horizontal scroll to view the columns which are off-screen. As the table is being dynamically generated from a database there will be an indeterminate number of co...

[Android] Nesting Relative layout inside Linear Layout

I have the following code in my layout.xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" ...

Accessing PDF-Content

Hi, I would like to access parts of pdf content. ABBYY-FineReader recognizes well the layout and tables but how can I access now these results? I tried with the pdf-a standard or the java library PDFBox without success. Thanks! ...

Flex: how to layout a component to the top-right of a window?

I am writing a Flex (Flash Builder) application which has a map component ( and a drop down list component used to select items shown on the map. I want the drop down list component to always be overlayed on top of the map in the top right corner, regardless of the size ...

how set button's layout width at runtime?!

Hi! i' making a remote-app, so i need a varying number of buttons, grouped by tableviews and tablerows. i can create the fix ones (that must alwasy be available) at designtime via xml, making use of the layouts making all buttons fit on every resolution. but there are buttons i have to create at runtime. to make them behave the same w...

How to approach implementing a layout editor using Cocoa

I want to build an OS X application, in which one of the requirements is for the user to be able to generate PDF output according to a layout that they, the user, will create. Typical items on the page would be things like a corporate logo (a JPEG or PNG), an address (a block of text) and a narrative (another block of text). I'd like t...

Magento > Backend > New Menu Item needs specific action -> How do I do it?

Hi guys! I have created a new menu in my backend, and added some children. One of these children named "Manage Pages" must retrieve all the products that correspond to the attribute sets that begin with "CMS_" and should not have a price column. I have done this so far: app/code/community/Mycompany/Content/etc/config.xml <?xml versi...

Is there an easy way to force Windows to calculate text extents using a fixed DPI value, instead of the current DPI setting?

I am wondering if there is an easy way to calculate the text extent of a string (similar to GetTextExtentPoint32), but allows me to specify the DPI to use in the calcuation. In other words, is there a function that does exactly what TextGetExtentPoint32 does, but allows me to pass the DPI as a parameter, or a way to "trick" TextGetExtent...

QWebView not laying out properly

Even if I set the geometry for the QWebView it occupies the whole left over screen. Even worse if I maxmize the window, there is a gap between the two widgets Below is my code I wrote: from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtWebKit import * class twsearchbox(QWidget): def __init__(self): QWidge...

How to control border height?

I have two div, one on the left and the other is on the right. Now I want to divide this two div with a border between them. But the border with full height looks bad. I want to control the height of the border. How could I do this? ...

RadioGroup with radiobuttons inside a relative android layout

I want to create a simple layout like the following: (o) Radio button A (o) Radio button B [textedit] [x] checkbox For that I've created the following layout.xml: <RadioGroup android:layout_above="@+id/RadioButton_Count" android:id="@+id/RadioGroup01" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="...

C# Map Layout Controls

Hi everyone, I am making a restaurant layout software, where basically the user selects various items (tables, chairs, etc.) and drags them into a workspace. The user should be able to place the items at any location inside of the designated workspace, should be able to rotate them, and after placing the object, they should be able to ...

PyQT user authentication and customized layouts

Hi! So I'm developing an app in PyQT and I need to implement user authentification. Basically I have drawn 3 layouts (all same size window)...on login layout, one layout for user A and one layout for user B. The the thing I want to achieve is that when user A logins he gets his specialized layout and so does B. And I want it to if possib...

Overlay an Android layout on a surfaceview

I am designing a simple Android game using a surfaceview similar to the Lunar Lander sample provided by Google. I want to have various things such as highscores, messages, menus etc pop up on screen with the surface view still in the background. The problem is that I want the "pop ups" to contain many design elements such as images, tex...

What is the average resolution i.e pixel width for a standard web page?

Hi, I just finished constructing web pages and am trying to decide what the optimal lay out should look like. I am trying to decide between a fixed width for my main divs (about 1200 pixles or so) and a variable percentage width. I worry that the variable width will look awful under lower resolutions of under 1600 by 900. I am assuming ...

Website is not shown properly on IE

Hello everyone, I am a bit deperate. I have developed a project website And I did layouting with div's. The website is being rendered very well in Firefox and Chrome BUT it IE some divs are not positioned well. How to solve this problem ? How to make layouting the same for all browsers ? ...

div layot problems in IE ...

Hello everyone, I have developed a website The problem is some divs elements are not being posistioned well in IE, but they are positioned well in Firefox and Chrome. How to solve this problem ? Is there any way to make sure what ever I develop for one browser will work for another ? thank you. ...

Is there an equivalent to setShadowLayer when defining shapes in XML in Android?

If I draw a round rect shape by code I can use setShadowLayer to get a shadow drawn for the shape. Is there an equivalent when defining shapes in XML? The following example draws a round rect background to a shape. What would I need to add to get a shadow added to the shape? Is it even possible using XML? shape_test.xml <?xml version=...

Why is there no vertical scroll bar for this listbox

Given the following XMAL why is no vertical scrollbar for the ListBox which is bound to an ObservableCollection of 100 strings. If I change the height of the second row from * to something fixed like 500 then a scrollbar appears, but obviously i want the row height to be what ever is available (which is what I understand * to mean) <Us...

Set maximum width of Linear Layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <EditText android:id="@+string/urlText" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout...