
ldd output showing shared object file whose function is not called

I ran ldd command on an executable created by Open MPI. It shows a reference to libpthread.so Using LD_PRELOAD variable I created my own implementation of pthread_create, but from the it output it seems that MPI implementation is not calling pthread_create as I had expected. Why does ldd show pthread so file in output if it is not being ...

Understanding the output of ldd

I'm having a hard time understanding the output of ldd - Especially the processor identifiers. The string in question is this one: Shortest.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, from ']', not stripped I have several questions about it: What does "ELF" mean? I know that's what Linux bina...

Tracing linked libraries

I'm getting some errors which make me think that my Linux program isn't linking to the libraries it's supposed to. How can I get the full path to all linked libraries? I know ldd will give me the names, but how can I use that to get the full path? Thanks. ...

Determine which executables link to a specific shared library on Linux

How can I list all executables on my Red Hat Linux system which link to libssl? I can get close with: find / -type f -perm /a+x -exec ldd {} \; | grep libssl ldd shows me which libraries the executable links with, but the line that contains the library name does not also show the filename, so although I get a lot of matches with g...

Why shared library is linked by absolute path?

Hi,all: I create an application by linking the libociei.so and libcustome.so CC -o main main.cpp ../lib/libociei.so ../lib/libcustome.so and copy libociei.so libcustome.so to /usr/lib then I use ldd to check library, it shows: main ..... libcustome.so ===> /usr/lib/libcustome.so ../lib/libociei.so why libociei.so is no...