
openGL textures that are not 2^x in dimention

I'm trying to display a picture in an openGL environment. The picture's origninal dimensions are 3648x2432, and I want to display it with a 256x384 image. The problem is, 384 is not a power of 2, and when I try to display it, it looks stretched. How can I fix that? ...

openGL into png

I'm trying to convert an openGL [edit: "card that I drew"(?):) thx unwind]containing a lot of textures (nothing moving) into one PNG file that I can use in another part of the framework I'm working with. Is there a C++ library that does that? thanks! ...

Cannot delete SQLServer2005 data or log files

I was trying to restore a backup but I kept getting OS error 32 - cannot delete because in use. Couldn't figure out what was locking the data and log files - so I rebooted the machine, stopped the service but still no luck. Then I deleted the DB but data and log files are still there. Rebooted again - tried to delete them but looks li...

SQL Server, Restore a .BKP file into an MDF file but not LDF (no space for it)

I'm in an issue where I don't have enough space to accomodate my MDF and LDF files from a LiteSpeed backup we had done. I've come up with the following sproc: exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database @database = 'OSiteDB', @filename = 'L:\OSiteDB_2009_01_07_Wed_LiteSpeed_Full.BKP', @with = 'move "O1_SITEDB" to "S:\OSiteDB_Data.mdf"', @with...

how can i see data in mdf file.

i have asp.net application. it has App_Data folder. this folder contain mdf and ldf file. how can i see data within these file. i want to see table structure. ...

How to query from log files (.ldf) of Sql Server 2005 Express edition?

I want to do this, because I would like to know how many times a particular row has been changed. Is this possible? Thanks ...