
How to stream your images/files with VLC?

So I know there are lot of wrapers of libVLC.dll . But I just do not know what one is ready to do what I need... What I need is simple... in my C# programm I create some bitmap (once or twice per second)... I now want to stream bitmaps live as video (in some format VLC can to offer me) to some http:localhost:port/ using VLC... How t...

Man pages for libvlc

Hi! all. Though I am not sure wether this question belongs to here but pardon me if not so. Can you people guide me to the manual page of libvlc functions like(just give a kind of pointer where these functions are described in detail) void libvlc_playlist_pause( libvlc_instance *, libvlc_exception ) mtime_t libvlc_inpu...

Comparison of .NET Wrapper Libraries for libVLC

We're looking for a .NET wrapper for libVLC that will let us put streaming video displays in Windows Forms applications, and record the displayed video. We have existing apps that use an old .NET wrapper library for libVLC, but that library is no longer being supported by its developer, so we'd like to move to a new one. Here are the c...

C# with libvlc.dll

Hello, Actually, I'm not a C# programmer, but in the part of project, I needed to play RTSP stream in C# via libvlc. After googled my problem, I found this - working - example : and forum's. But all of these are too complicated to understand for me. My program is supposed to be just play...

C# VLC Wrapper.

Hello!! Does anyone knows about a C# VLC 1.1 Wrapper?? I´ve found some wrappers for older versions of VLC (haven´t try them jet), but none for the new version. So if you know any, please post it. Thanks in advance!!! ...

VLC Python EventManager callback type?

I'm having trouble attaching an event handler to tell when a song has finished playing when using the VLC Python bindings. The event_attach function is complaining about the callback type. def __init__(self): self.vlc = vlc.Instance() self.vlc_playlist = self.vlc.media_list_new() self.vlc_player = self.vlc.media_list_player_...

VLC Python binding and event manager

Hi everyone, I'm using libVLC with python's bindings to embeded streams in a GTK Socket; I've got a class Player for VLC: class Player(gtk.Socket): def __init__(self, id): gtk.Socket.__init__(self) def loadfile(self, filename, wid): filename=filename.replace("\"","") p=vlc.MediaPlayer(filename.strip()) ...

VLC jpeg streaming.

Hello, I'm writing a application, which retrieve rtsp stream from camera then do multicast streaming, at one point I need jpeg streaming in case camera connection is unsuccesfull. My command line arguments is : CODE: SELECT ALL string[] args = new string[] { "-I", "dummy", "--ignore-config", ...

How to play youtube videos through vlc plugin ?

Hello, I'm using vlc plugin into C# Windows form application. It works fine with all media type but it can't play youtube videos through the plugin also it can be played in the main player itself. I'm using the following code : axVLCPlugin2.playlist.add("");;...

Creating DVD navigation using VLC versoin 1.1.4

Hi, I have been developing a DVD player using vlc version 1.1.1 libraries and have recently upgraded to version 1.1.4. Previously I have been getting the current vlc_object_t by using libvlc_get_vlc_instance and then using the object, along with the relevant key information, in subsequent calls to __var_SetInteger. This mehtod worked ...