
Unity: pass parameters to custom lifetime constructor, in xml configuration file

I wrote my CustomLifetimeManager like this: public class CustomLifetimeManager <T> : LifetimeManager { private readonly string _arg; public CustomLifetimeManager(string arg) { _arg = arg; } } Now, it works easy configuring the container programmatically, but how add it in configuration file like the following? ...

C++ basic pointer question

Hello! I have some shared pointer shared_ptr<T> pointer1(new T(1));. Now, in some other part of code I have an explicit copy of pointer2 (guess it would be stored in a std::map or some other container). Let's say that copy was done like map.insert(make_pair(key1, pointer1));. I am using that second copy only to precache some data and ...

Is life-time of local variables in a function, necessarily equal to life-time of that function's execution ?

Possible Duplicate: how does an optimizing c++ compiler reuse stack slot of a function? do c++ compilers have their ways to determine the time at which, life-time of each local variable in a function ends so that they optimize using stack memory, or they simply take it equal to life-time of the function execution ? ...

PHP - Destroy Session

Possible Duplicate: How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? Hi All, The problem I am running into is that my host will not let me overwrite PHP.ini settings. They currently have the max lifetime of a session set to 24 minutes (ridiculous). My idea is to destroy the session completely and then recreate it (ideally gi...

setting and extending Session Lifetime using Zend_Auth

Hi Folks, i use Zend_Auth for one of my Projects, but so far haven't figured out how to set the Lifetime for the Session, or how to extend it (lets say it should run 5 minutes and should reset to that when the user makes an action), here is my Initialization code: $authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($this->_model->pdo);...