
Is Google the only OpenID provider that requires "identifier_select"?

I am developing an OpenID consumer in PHP and am using the fantastic LightOpenID library ( Basing my code off of that found in the example client script I have successfully created a consumer. However, I've run across a snag: Google requires the openid.identity and openid.claimed_id to be set to "http://...

How do I identify an OpenID provider as requiring Directed Identity?

I am trying to extend the LightOpenID PHP library to "discover" that an identity provider requires Directed Identity. This should be easy as the library is beautifully well written and wonderfully clean but I don't know how to identify these types of providers. A couple things I've tried: I looked through the OpenID specs on the subjec...

PHP: LightOpenID, how to fetch account data from provider?

Hi! I'm having problems with a small OpenID-library called LightOpenID . I can authenticate to almost all providers, but I don't know how to fetch the data from the provider. I only get Array(), eaven with print_r(). ...

Getting a gmail address with... openid? oauth?

I'm getting confused. I was able to make openid login kinda work using LightOpenID. All I get doing that is just an openid_identity such as "". Pretty disappointing: I was expecting to get the email address too. i.e. I need to login (that's what openid does) and to know the email address of ...

OpenID Discovery Methods - Yadis VS HTML

Recently, I've begun writing my own PHP OpenID consumer class in order to better understand openID. As a guide, I've been referencing the [LightOpenID Class][1]. For the most part, I understand the code and how OpenID works. My confusion comes when looking at the author's discover function: function discover($url) { if(!$url) throw ...

Log-in the user with LightOpenID

Hello I have downloaded LightOpenID ( few hours ago but still can't figure out how to make it work. I got this google example saved in test.php file <?php require '../lib/init.php'; require '../lib/openID/openid.php'; try { if(!isset($_GET['openid_mode'])) { if(isset($_GET['login'])) { ...

Lightopenid + Google Apps + validate() = No servers found!

I'm using LightOpenID and have a test page that is a near-copy of the example-google.php that came with it (I threw some echo's in to debug). Clicking the 'Login with Google' button takes me to Google. I sign in with a valid Google Apps email address and I get returned to my page. But when it tries to validate the claimed_id, I get a ...