
Linked server and temp table issue

I had our vendor create a linked server (SQL Server 2008) to our Server (SQL Server 2000). This was in response to an issue I had with the vendor changing a data type to varchar(max). I was informed that I should create a link from 2008 to 2000 to resolve the issue. Now that I have accomplished this task, when I run my query that links...

SQL Servers: Linked-servers without linking servers?

Both my local (and remote) SQL SERVER 2005 administrators claim that "allowing linked-servers is a security issue" and forbid their use here. (Huh?) Anyway, is there a way to do something similar WITHOUT linked-servers? SELECT * FROM LOCAL_SERVER.MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable AS t1 INNER JOIN REMOTE_SERVER.MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable AS t2 ON t1....

SQL 2005 - Linked Server to Oracle Queries Extremely Slow

On my SQL 2005 server, I have a linked server connecting to Oracle via the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider. If I run a query through the 4 part identifier like so: SELECT * FROM [SERVER]...[TABLE] WHERE COLUMN = 12345 It takes over a minute to complete. If I run the same query like so: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(SERVER, 'SELECT * FROM TABLE ...

Which are the problems in creating and dropping a linked server just for executing a remote query?

I need to retrieve some data from a remote database, it is a kind of "updates manager", so my application will connect to that remote server to check if there are new updates. I use a webserver for doing the "handshake and validation" work, but then I connect directly to a remote sql server to retrieve the data. The webserver will ret...

connect from postgres to sql server/oracle linked server

is it possible to connect from postgres to sql server/oracle linked servers ? if yes than how to do that ? ...

How to alter database on the linked server WITHOUT SYSADMIN rights?

My requirement is that user performing alter CANNOT be sysadmin (it can have all other rights but not sysadmin). I am running a query from local server which should modify a remote one EXEC ('ALTER DATABASE REMOTEDB MODIFY FILEGROUP ftfg_REMOTEDB NAME=ftfg_REMOTEDB') at [REMOTESERVER] This query works once I add sysadmin right to the...

SQL Server Linked server to Oracle....

I have a SQL server instance that has a Linked server to an Oracle instance on another box. We are receiving the below error. Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MY_ORACLE". Any ideas? ...

how to make foreign key relationship on physically distributed data?

three servers server 1 is central point which links the other two servers. the other two servers have a table which has a field which should act like a foreign key problem well i do not know how to do this, using vs08 or sql server 08 diagram view table on server 1 sv1pg1 id -- primary key details tables same schema on srvr...

ODS query from Excel returns spurious column names

Hello all When retriving Excel sheet Named region it returns spurious column names OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "No value given for one or more required parameters.". Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot execute the query "SELECT `Tbl1005`.`CUSTOMER` AS `Col1031`,`Tbl1005`...

Linq to SQL DBML Access across a Linked Server?

I have a DBML on a single database in a named instance. The instance has a linked server to another MSSQL database in another server/instance. Both instances and databases have the same dbo-level user. Both databases are MSSQL 2008. I have some C# code (Framework 3.5) that uses the DBML that accesses the tables and views and sprocs on D...

SQL Server 2005 Linked Server Query Does Not Return Expected Error

I am querying a linked SQL Server and not getting an error that I do get when querying locally. Something like this: SELECT CAST(ColumnName AS INT) FROM TableName and this: SELECT CAST(ColumnName AS INT) FROM ServerName.DatabaseName.Schema.TableName The first query when run locally returns an error 'Arithmetic overflow error convert...

How to fetch data from two different sql servers?

Hi, I have an inline query, in which I have one table1 in server1 and another table2 in server2. I need to join these two tables, and fetch data. I can do this like connect to one server, get data and connect to next server...fetch data. and join them. But is there any other better way. I have heard about Linked servers. Will that hel...

primary key in linked csv using schema.ini somehow?

For a number of reasons I have to use a linked csv file in a sqlexpress database. Col1 is always unique, although the data changes periodically, based on current logins. Is there a way to set as a primary key in some manner using the schema.ini or some other way? ...

help me SELECT-ing from chained stored procedures

I added my local server pblack as linked server in SQL Server 2008 R2 ---1) EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'pblack', --'pblack' is my localhost @srvproduct=N'SQL Server' and executed successfully 2) and 3): --2) sp_MSforeachtable @command1="EXEC sp_spaceused '?'" --3) SELECT * INTO #te...

Connect TO Sql Server From MySQL

dear all, how can I connect to a Sql Server Database from a MySql Server? I need to use the Mysql as a proxy db (querying all the Sql servers and MySql connected to it). I need a functionality sort of "linked server" one on Sql server Thanks a lot, Andy ...