
Linq to entities order by over wcf

I'd like to expose a method over WCF something like GetEmployees(EmployeeColumn orderby), that returns a list of employees in an order. I don't really want to create an enum EmployeeColumn that contains all possible column so the user can choose. What do you suggest? I'd like to achieve this using linq-to-entities. ...

Linq to entities casting error

I am getting this error and I have collection of anonymous Datarows and each item contains two datarows. How to cast this? Unable to cast object of type 'WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2[VB$AnonymousType_0`2[System.Data.DataRow,System.Data.DataRow],VB$AnonymousType_0`2[System.Data.DataRow,System.Data.DataRow]]' to type 'System.Data.Enume...

Error compiling pre-generated view in VS 2008.

I am created pre-generated views for my EDMX using VS 2008, .NET 3.5 and Entity framework. I have generated using the t4 templates mentioned here and got my mymodel.views.cs file. It's around 40 mb is size. Added the views.cs file to my web application and my web service. When i build the apps, the webservice would build without any er...

Why won't entity framework allow me to do a .FindBy....()

I create a EDM using my database and saw that while it was able to make relations like Customers.First().Orders there is nothing like Customer.First().Orders.FindOrderByOrderID() Customer.First().Orders.FindOrderByOrderName() etc. Maybe I was expecting it to be like that and that's how it doesnt work and I will probably just have...

Entity Data Model Associations and MVC 1 .NET giving NULL on Associated objects but allowing Linq to Entities Filtering

I have a EDM that was wizard generated from an SQL 2005 Express database. For example, I have a table named Projects with a relationship to a table named People. Projects have two relationships on the People table primary key as foreign key in the People table (ChamipionID and LeaderID). I have cleaned up all of the names for the Enti...

Reusing part of the query with joins

I need to implement 3 public methods that all rely on the same initial join. Would a solution like the one described below work? The code below is an example, the real stuff is much more complicated, that's why I want to reuse it. private Tuple<Customer,Order> GetCustomerOrders() { from c in customers join o in orders o...

Aggregation Query w/ Linq to Entities

I'm trying to query the Northwind database relationship between Categories and Products, where each category has multiple products... Im looking for a query that will return the 1 category with the highest number of products in it. This is as far as I've gotten var results = from c in entities.CategorySet ...

How to use If statement during select from Linq to Datasets

I have this LINQ statement Dim Demo = From d In DBDataTable.AsEnumerable _ Select id = d.Field(Of Integer)("id"), _ Colun = d.Field(Of Object) (_column2), _ Col3 = d.Field(Of Object)(_column3), _ Col4 = IIf(_Col4 <> -1, d.Field(Of Object)(_Col4), Nothing) Is there any wa...

Inline Select with LINQ

I need to replicate a T-SQL statement that has an inner select, using LINQ: SELECT *, CustomerTypes.Description as CustomerType, (Select Min(Distinct DocumentStatistics.StatDateTime) As LastStatCheck From DocumentStatistics Where DocumentStatistics.CustomerId = Customers.CustomerId) As LastStatCheck FROM Customers INNER JOIN Custome...

Default valued DateTime column, mapping with EF4

In my database there's a datetime column "Created" with default value getutcdate(). I would like my EF datacontext to generate an insert query that doesn't set this column, and fetch the resulting value. Is there a way to do this? I tried setting StoreGeneratedPattern to either None, Identity or Computed, I get an exception that DateTim...

Making sure that DateTime properties return DateTimeKind.Utc

Is it possible to define DateTime properties in entity objects that are of Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc by using either the .edmx file, or a t4 template? When possible using t4, please describe how to change the property. Currently the property gets generated as: [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty=false, IsNullable=false)] [Dat...

Saving nested objects with linq to entities

I have a UI that presents a number of checkboxes to the user, and for each one that is checked, I need to create an entry in a mapping table. LookupTable <- MapTable -> DataTable I have a custom binder for DataTable, but can't figure out how to get it to create the MapTable objects. Is this possible? Using MVC 1.0 and LINQ t...

LINQ to Entites: sub-objects disappearing

I'm trying to understand why, sometimes, my sub-objects disappear. In my List view, I have the standard <% foreach (var item in Model) and when I inspect the item and the model, I can see that item.Map has a couple of elements. In fact, in my List view I can do: <% foreach (var map in item.Map) <% Html.RenderPartial("MapView", ... mvc: is this a bug or a feature when using partial views on objects that have the same field names?

My classes are a DataModel, which uses ID as its PK, and a Map, which also has ID as a PK. Map has a FK to DataModel (DataModelID). I have a partial view that I use from my DataModel list view as follows: <% foreach (var map in Model.Map) { %> <% Html.RenderPartial("MapEdit", map); %> <% } %> My MapEdit partial view looks lik...

Need help with adding Where clauses in loop with Linq

Below is a rough and simplified code example of what I am trying to do and it is not working as expected. I am using Linq to Entity in case that matters. Basically in the first loop with the DateClause's ends up returning nothing if I have two date clauses, works great with one date clause. In the TextClause's loop it seems to ignore...

sorting the grid

Hi, Iam working on sorting the grid remotely. Iam using the folllowing query SELECT value a, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY" + " " + SortExpression + ") As RowNumber FROM XSP_AssetList_V AS a WHERE a.AccountID = GUID'" + AccountID + "'"; is there any linq equivalanet for rownumber() over orderby() but iam getting an error System.Dat...

How do I prevent the Entity Framework from escaping my Regex?

Put simply... in plain SQL I would do this: SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [Description] LIKE '%[0-9]%' In Linq to Entities I do this: Products.Where(p => p.Description.Contains("[0-9]")) But I end up with this: -- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(8) SET @p0 = '%~[0-9]%' -- EndRegion SELECT ... FROM [Products] AS [t0] WHERE ...

LINQ to ENTITIES DISTINCT return duplicates when LINQ TO SQL works as expected

I have been using LINQ to SQL for the last year and have had no problems. I decided that I wanted to experiment with the EntityFramework on a project where the requirement was to just return some raw data from several Views in a customer's database. I created the Entities model, included the Views, but when I wrote a query to return the ...

Lambda expression Where on navigation property

Good afternoon, I have three entities (that concern this question) Company (ID, etc..) CompanyAddress (AddressID, CompanyID, Rank) AddressDetails (AddressID, Street, City, State, Zip) The reason Rank and company id aren't in the AddressDetails is because the address detas are shared with contacts via a ContactAddress entity. Anyway, ...

Grouping a list of of entities which has a sublist in c#

I have a set of Entities which basically has this structure. {Stats Name="<Product name> (en)" TotalResources="10" ..} {DayStats Date="2009-12-10" TotalResources="5"} {DayStats Date="2009-12-11" TotalResources="5"} {Stats} {Stats Name="<Product name> (us)" TotalResources="10" ..} {DayStats Date="2009-12-10" TotalResources="5...