How can I perform this query using L2E?
Hi, I have a 2 tables: Activities ActivityKeywords ********** **************** ID --> ActivityID Name Keyword I need to return all activities that match a specific keyword. ...
Hi, I have a 2 tables: Activities ActivityKeywords ********** **************** ID --> ActivityID Name Keyword I need to return all activities that match a specific keyword. ...
I have always thought it was "best practice" to be explicit in naming my collection variables. So, if I had a collection of Car objects, I would typically name a Car[] carArray and a List<Car> carList. And then 99% of the time, I end up just doing something like... foreach (Car car in carArray) { ... } ...and I'm thinking, I coul...
Consider a string array shaped like this: string[] someName = new string[] { "First", "MiddleName", "LastName" }; The requirement is to get the first character from each element in the array. i.e. FML Previously have tried: string initials = string.Concat(someName.Select(x => x[0])); Question: What LINQ query would you wri...
Have just updated from Subsonic 2.2 ActiveRecord to I am trying to use LINQ to do a paged Find query like this (my object/table is called "Repository"): Repository.Find(item => item.DocumentTitle.Contains(searchTerm)) .OrderBy(i => i.DocumentTitle).Skip((currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage) .Take(itemsPerPage); When I v...
I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, but this line of code is never returning (seems to result in a run-away process) when running it in a test: var discountMemberCustomer = (from customer in Mocks.Query<Customer>() where customer.IsDiscountMember && customer.OrderCount == 13 && customer.LifetimeCustomerValue == 5555m ...
Hi, I have extended my entities to implement specific interfaces for its type. I am trying to perform the following query: var results = from x in context.MyEntityTable where x.AProperty == AValue select x; return results.Count() > 0 ? results.Cast<IApplicationEntity>().ToList() : null; However, I kee...
I'm trying to create an expression tree dynamicly. Let asume that I have two simple classes: class CustomerType { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public OrderType[] Orders { get; set; } } class OrderType { public int Id { get; set; } public DateTime Date { get; set; } public decimal Pric...
i have the following linq query that create a left join between two tables: var joinResultRows = from leftTable in dataSet.Tables[leftTableName].AsEnumerable() join rightTable in dataSet.Tables[rightTableName].AsEnumerable() on...
I found LINQtoCRM ( and I started playing with it. It's nice, but before I get carried away I found there appears to be a showstopper: I can't figure out how to query against DynamicEntities (so I can query against my custom entities). Can someone confirm if this is currently impossible? Or give an example ...
Given a set Paris New York London New York Paris Paris I'm trying to do a LINQ query that will return a grouping of the Paris, New York, and London with their respective counts. I've been able to do a GroupBy that returns a group containing only the Paris/New York/London in each Grouping. Sounds relatively simple, but I can't get it ...
I've created a Range type: public class Range<T> where T : IComparable<T> { public Range(T min, T max) : this(min, max, false) { } public Range(T min, T max, bool upperbound) { } public bool Upperbound { get; private set; } public T Min { get; private set; } public T Max { get; private set; } public bool ...
Hi, I need to calculate a sum of product of two fields. This will be used for average weighted price. avgPrice = sum( price*volume) / sum(volume). Both price1 and price2 return error "Specified cast is not valid." var result3 = from sym in dataTableAsEnumerable() group sym by new { symbol = sym["symbol"] } into ...
This emits inner joins, which is what I want and works: var q = from itm in esdc.items join itmImg in esdc.itemImages on itm.itemId equals itmImg.itemId join itmIdent in esdc.itemIdentities on itm.imgIdentityId equals itmIdent.itemIdentityId join startImgs in esdc.vStartPgImgs on itmImg.imgId equals startImgs.imgId s...
Hello, I got a problem with this linq query: from PersistedFileInfo fi in m_Database from PersistedCommit commit in m_Database where commit.FileIDs.Contains( fi.ID ) where fi.Path == <given path> select new Commit( m_Storage, commit ); As you can see, every PersistedCommit contains a Collection<int> called FileIDs which connects it t...
I'm having troubles reading values from an xml file. Here is the xml file: <root> <defaultGroups name="Sikker"> <group name="0ASK" /> <group name="0ASKAPP" /> <group name="0ASKFELLES" /> <group name="0SYSAPP" /> <group name="0SYSAPPoffice" /> <group name="10WTS" /> </defaultGroups>...
I want to filter my results to take only the X amount of records. I am wondering how does Take() work? On this site I found: It says Take() "Throws an ArgumentNullException if source is null." So what should I do? I can't guarantee that everytime I do a Take() I will have some records in t...
New to Subsonic 3.0 and wondering how to perform LIKE operators on object attributes. Given the following class, how would I perform a LIKE operation using Subsonic 3.0. For example SELECT * FROM categories WHERE name LIKE '%foo%'; public class Category { private String categoryID; private String name; public Category() ...
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<Book> books = new List<Book> { new Book { Name="C# in depth", Authors = new List<Author> { new Author { FirstName = "Jon"...
I have a table to store product reviews like this: Id -int ProductId -int Timestamp -datetime Comments -text Is there an easy way to count and determine the rate of reviews a product has received in any 60 minute timespan? ie. Widget1 maximum reviews/hour is 55. working with sql05. ...
Is there any difference between these two LINQ statements: var query = from a in entities.A where a.Name == "Something" from b in entities.B where a.Id == b.Id select b; var query = from a in entities.A join b in entities.B on a.Id equals b.Id w...