
linq function for use with generic repository entity in where clause

Hi, I want to use a generic repository to standardise some of my data access. What I want is to be able to have a function defined in the interface representing the basic fields of my entity, so that I can use it to filter the results. This should be compilable into Linq-To-Sql. e.g. interface IEntity { Expression<func<bool>> Filter...

Linq Sort Direction From String

I am trying to sort a set of Users. I have access to the sorting property and direction (asc, desc). My current order by query is below. But as you can see it doesn't account for the sort direction. How do can I build this expression without having to use Dynamic Linq, or adding another set of statements for "asc" or "desc" sort directio...

Filter every call made by a DataContext when using LinQ Entities

I'm using logical delete in my system and would like to have every call made to the database filtered automatically. Let say that I'm loading data from the database in the following way : product.Regions How could I filter every request made since Regions is an EntitySet<Region> and not a custom method thus not allowing me to add is...

c# LINQ: Filter List of Files based on File Size

I need some help using LINQ to filer a list of files based on the file size. I have some code but it's using file.length instead of FileInfo(file).length. I don't know how to implement an object 'FileInfo' in the expression. HELP? { IEnumerable<string> result = "*.ini,*.log,*.txt" .SelectMany(...

LinqPad, using multiple datacontexts

I am often comparing data in tables in different databases. These databases do NOT have the same schema. In TSQL, I can can reference them with the DB>user>table structure (DB1.dbo.Stores, DB2.dbo.OtherPlaces) to pull the data for comparison. I like the idea of LinqPad quite a bit, but I just can't seem to easily pull data from two d...

Redirect method call within delegate

I have a protected method in a base class which accepts a Func<T> and then turns around and executes with some added goodness. Example usage: public MyResponse DoSomething(MyRequest request) { return base.Execute(() => this.Channel.DoSomething(request)); } What I'm looking to do is take the func delegate instance and redirect the ...

Get First 6 character from string which is distinct

string[] arr = { "abcdefXXX872358", "abcdef200X8XXX58", "abcdef200X872359", "6T1XXXXXXXXXXXX11", "7AbcdeHA30XXX541", "7AbcdeHA30XXX691" }; how can I get distinct no from above where first 6 charatcer must be distinct result would be abcdefXXX872358 6T1XXXXXXXXXXXX11 7AbcdeHA30XXX541 I try something like this var dist = (from c i...

linq to entities - try this one!

Hi Im converting to linq to entities and I am finding problems attempting to convert the stored procs I have created as an overview of data. How do I convert this sql statement to linq to entities: I have a venue table with a child venuerooms table. With the last part I want to get the largest capacity for that venue across all rooms ...

LINQ WHERE clause using if statements

Hello all, I am using I have two textboxes which if !empty need to be part of a WHERE clause within a LINQ query. Here is my code var result = from a in xxxx select a; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName)) { return result.Where(a >= a.forename.Contains(personName) || a.surname.Contains(personName) } else if(!string....

Possible to have subsonic and linq in same project?

Am using SS 2.2 and am running into issues with a listview and implementing paging / sorting etc. Can't work with SS3 anyone know if I'm asking for trouble by having both in the one project? ...

How to access grouped values returned by a linq query

I've got the following code: List<Person> people = new List<Person> { new Person{ Id = 1, Name = "Bob"}, new Person{ Id = 2, Name = "Joe"}, new Person{ Id = 3, Name = "Bob"} }; var peopleGroupedByName = from p in people group p by p.Name; //get all groups where the number o...

Linq to Sql - Double Group By with Parent Table Relation

I'm having a trouble getting a linq to sql query and was wondering if someone could help. I have these tables: 'Orders', 'OrderProducts', 'Products' and 'Users'. I want to get a breakdown of the count of how many products (contained in 'OrderProducts' by ProductID) each 'User' has ordered. The User's UserID is contained in the 'Orders...

Select two columns of similar types in a Linq Query

Hi, I have one weird requirement. In a SQL table, I have two columns of same type, say type ObjA. The values in these two columns repeats. e.g. ObjA_Column1 ObjA_Column2 obj1 obj2 obj2 obj3 obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 obj4 obj5 I want a ...

Linq to EF Expression Tree / Predicate int.Parse workaround

Hi All, I have a linq Entity called Enquiry, which has a property: string DateSubmitted. I'm writing an app where I need to return IQueryable for Enquiry that have a DateSubmitted within a particular date range. Ideally I'd like to write something like IQueryable<Enquiry> query = Context.EnquirySet.AsQueryable<Enquiry>(); int dateSt...

Linq caching data values - major concurrency problem?

Here's a little experiment I did: MyClass obj = dataContext.GetTable<MyClass>().Where(x => x.ID = 1).Single(); Console.WriteLine(obj.MyProperty); // output = "initial" Console.WriteLine("Waiting..."); // put a breakpoint after this line obj = null; obj = dataContext.GetTable<MyClass>().Where(x => x.ID = 1).Single(); // same as before, b...

Linq2Sql - Adding multiple Contains IQueryables to a base IQueryable will change every previous IQueryable to the last IQueryable Expression added to the Linq2Sql query. Am I off my rocker?

I am spending a good amount of time trying to figure out why Linq2Sql is changing my SQL query. It is rather difficult to explain, and I cant find any reason why this is happening. The low down is it appears that adding multiple contains around an IQueryable seems to overwrite each previous IQueryable Expression. Let me try and explain...

Powershell equivalent of LINQ Any()?

I would like to find all directories at the top level from the location of the script that are stored in subversion. In C# it would be something like this Directory.GetDirectories(".") .Where(d=>Directories.GetDirectories(d) .Any(x => x == "_svn" || ".svn")); I'm having a bit of difficulty finding the equivalent of "Any()" in ...

Linq stored procedure with dynamic results

So I'm extremely new to Linq in .Net 3.5 and have a question. I use to use a custom class that would handle the following results from a store procedure: Set 1: ID Name Age Set 2: ID Address City Set 3: ID Product Price With my custom class, I would have received back from the database a single DataSet with 3 DataTables inside of it...

How do I group by Events by year using a single LINQ query?

I have a database table that represents Events. The table has 2 main fields EventDate and EventTitle. I am trying to group the events by year to be displayed to the user. I am trying to use a Linq query to pull the distinct years that have events and for each year there should be a list of events in that year. So each record in the list...

Linq to entities Left Join

Hi all, I want to achieve the following in Linq to Entities: Get all Enquires that have no Application or the Application has a status != 4 (Completed) select e.* from Enquiry enq left outer join Application app on enq.enquiryid = app.enquiryid where app.Status <> 4 or app.enquiryid is null Has anyone done this before without using...