
why list comprehension is called so in python?

No flaming please, asking as a community wiki so nobody gets reputation here. I know python is not the first language to have list comprehension. I'm just interest in the history of the name. I'm particularly interested in why it's called comprehension ...

concatenate items in dictionary in python using list comprehension

EDIT: Clarified the question a bit How can I get a string from a dictionary with the format key1 = value1 key2 = value2 in a relatively fast way ? (relative to plain concatenation) ...

Haskell List Comprehensions guards in F#

What is a way to implement similar functionality in Haskell of List comprehensions with guards in F# for example: factors :: Int -> [Int] factors = [x | x <-[1 .. n], n 'mod' x == 0] factors 15 [1,3,5,15] and posInt :: Int -> [Int] posInt = [n | n > 0] posInt 5 [5] posInt 0 [] ...

nesting python list comprehensions to construct a list of lists

I'm a python newb and am having trouble groking nested list comprehensions. I'm trying to write some code to read in a file and construct a list for each character for each line. so if the file contains xxxcd cdcdjkhjasld asdasdxasda The resulting list would be: [ ['x','x','x','c','d'] ['c','d','c','d','j','k','h','j','a','s','l',...

python list that matches everything

I probably didn't ask correctly: I would like a list value that can match any list: the "inverse" of (None,) but even with (None,) it will match item as None (which I don't want) The point is I have a function working with: [x for x in my_list if x[field] not in filter_list] and I would like to filter everything or nothing without maki...

String expression parsing tips?

I got bored during the holiday season this year and randomly decided to write a simple list comprehension/filtering library for Java (I know there are some great ones out there, I just wanted to write it my self for the hell of it). For this list: LinkedList<Person> list = new LinkedList<Person>(); list.add(new Person("Jac...

Python List indexed by tuples

Hi, I'm a Matlab user needing to use Python for some things, I would really appreciate it if someone can help me out with Python syntax: (1) Is it true that lists can be indexed by tuples in Python? If so, how do I do this? For example, I would like to use that to represent a matrix of data. (2) Assuming I can use a list indexed by t...

How to separate one list in two via list comprehension or otherwise

If have a list of dictionary items like so: L = [{"a":1, "b":0}, {"a":3, "b":1}...] I would like to split these entries based upon the value of "b", either 0 or 1. A(b=0) = [{"a":1, "b":1}, ....] B(b=1) = [{"a":3, "b":2}, .....] I am comfortable with using simple list comprehensions, and i am currently looping through the list L t...

Python (2.6) , List Comprehension: why is this a syntax error ?

Why is print(x) here not valid (SyntaxError) in the following list-comprehension? my_list=[1,2,3] [print(my_item) for my_item in my_list] To contrast - the following doesn't give a syntax error: def my_func(x): print(x) [my_func(my_item) for my_item in my_list] ...

Why is this genexp performing worse than a list comprehension?

I was trying to find the quickest way to count the number of items in a list matching a specific filter. In this case, finding how many odd numbers there are in a list. While doing this, I was surprised by the results of comparing a list comprehension vs the equivalent generator expression: python -m timeit -s "L = xrange(1000000)" "su...

How to go from list of words to a list of distinct letters in Python

Using Python, I'm trying to convert a sentence of words into a flat list of all distinct letters in that sentence. Here's my current code: words = 'She sells seashells by the seashore' ltr = [] # Convert the string that is "words" to a list of its component words word_list = [x.strip().lower() for x in words.split(' ')] # Now conver...

Pythonic Way to reverse nested dictionaries

I have a nested dictionary of people and item ratings, with people as the key. people may or may not share items. Example: { 'Bob' : {'item1':3, 'item2':8, 'item3':6}, 'Jim' : {'item1':6, 'item4':7}, 'Amy' : {'item1':6,'item2':5,'item3':9,'item4':2} } I'm looking for the simplest way to flip these relations, and have a new nested d...

Transforming nested Python loops into list comprehensions

I've started working on some Project Euler problems, and have solved number 4 with a simple brute force solution: def mprods(a,b): c = range(a,b) f = [] for d in c: for e in c: f.append(d*e) return f max([z for z in mprods(100,1000) if str(z)==(''.join([str(z)[-i] for i in range(1,len(str(z))+1)]))]) After solving, I tried t...

Dynamically build list comprehension in Haskell

I am curious if it is possible to dynamically build a list comprehension in Haskell. As an example, if I have the following: all_pows (a,a') (b,b') = [ a^y * b^z | y <- take a' [0..], z <- take b' [0..] ] I get what I am after *Main> List.sort $ all_pows (2,3) (5,3) [1,2,4,5,10,20,25,50,100] However, what I'd really like is to ha...

write a Query List Comprehensions for a mnesia query

I'm trying to build a small testing app with erlang+mnesia. I have a user table build from the #user record, as defined here: -record(user_details, {name, password}). -record(user, {id, details}). then I insert a user with that function: add_sample_data() -> Mat = #user{ details = #user_details{ name = "mat", password ...

Update a list from another list

I have a list of users in local store that I need to update from a remote list of users every once in a while. Basically: If a remote user already exists locally, update its fields. If a remote user doesn't already exist locally, add the user. If a local user doesn't appear in the remote list, deactivate or delete. If a local user also...

[Python] How to use re match objects in a list comprehension

I have a function to pick out lumps from a list of strings and return them as another list: def filterPick(lines,regex): result = [] for l in lines: match =,l) if match: result += [] return result Is there a way to reformulate this as a list comprehension? Obviously...

Erlang list comprehension, traversing two lists and excluding values

I need to generate a set of coordinates in Erlang. Given one coordinate, say (x,y) I need to generate (x-1, y-1), (x-1, y), (x-1, y+1), (x, y-1), (x, y+1), (x+1, y-1), (x+1, y), (x+1, y+1). Basically all surrounding coordinates EXCEPT the middle coordinate (x,y). To generate all the nine coordinates, I do this currently: [{X,Y} || X<-li...

Python 3: Most efficient way to create a [func(i) for i in range(N)] list comprehension

Say I have a function func(i) that creates an object for an integer i, and N is some nonnegative integer. Then what's the fastest way to create a list (not a range) equal to this list mylist = [func(i) for i in range(N)] without resorting to advanced methods like creating a function in C? My main concern with the above list comprehens...

Python: concatenate generator and item

I have a generator (numbers) and a value (number). I would like to iterate over these as if they were one sequence: i for i in tuple(my_generator) + (my_value,) The problem is, as far as I undestand, this creates 3 tuples only to immediately discard them and also copies items in "my_generator" once. Better approch would be: def con(...