
Unable to find Applications folder in Mac's terminal

I tried the following code unsuccessfully find Applications | xargs -0 grep Applications I also tried the following unsuccessfully find Applications ...

How can a batch file locate where it is located?

How can a batch file by itself see where it is located? ...

Finding the window at a point on screen in java

Is there any cross-platform way to figure out which window is at a certain point on the screen? If there is not, what would be the equivalent function to getWindowAtPoint for linux (X11?) and OS X? ...

How come the unix locate command still shows files/folders that aren't there any more?

I recently moved my whole local web development area over to using MacPorts stuff, rather than using MAMP on my Mac. I've been getting into Python/Django and didn't really need MAMP any more. Thing is, I have uninstalled MAMP from the Applications folder, with the preferences file too, but how come when I run the 'locate MAMP' command i...

C# Need to locate web addresses using REGEX is that possible?

C# Need to locate web addresses using REGEX is that possible? Basically I need to parse a string prior to loading it into a WebBrowser myString = "this is an example string http://www.google.com , and I need to make the link clickable"; webBrow.DocumentText = myString; Basically what I want to happen is a replace of the web address ...

find icon for .exe

I have the path name to a .exe file. How do I find the path to the icon that windows would use if this file were dropped on the desktop? (I want to display this icon in my own program.) I need to be able to find the icon via my C# program at runtime. Using C# in Visual Studio 2008. ...

Where is phpmyadmin located in plesk?

I have plesk 8.3.0, with phpmyadmin I tried to look up where the phpmyadmin is located. I couldn't find it in srv/ and i did a find command in the server and not quite sure where it is actually located. What I want to do is to set up a phpmyadmin under /httpdocs so that I dont have to login to plesk and click many times until...

Scp locate's output by Xargs

I want to make a list of files of locate's output. I want scp to take the list. I am not sure about the syntax. My attempt with pseudo-code locate labra | xargs scp {} [email protected]:~/Desktop/ How can you move the files to the destination? ...

Complicated query - help NEEDED!

Hi, really hope someone can help me on this one! I have 6 tables: Products prodid Prodequipment prodid equipclassmain equipclassor Equipclasses classid Equipfunctions equipid classid Equipment equipid Workshopequipment workshopid equipid Products – a list of some products Equipment – a list of some equipment Prodequipment – lists...

Efficient way of locating and/or selecting graphic object in a fixed grid

I have a panel that is filled with a large number of circles (Ellipse2D). The circles are stored in a 2 dimensional array (rows and columns). My goal is to be able to "paint" the circles as I drag the mouse over them. I will eventually want to use selection shapes that will change the color of all the circles contained within the selec...

Bash script to find a directory, list its contents and sub-folders info

Hi I want to write a script that will: 1- locate folder "store" on a *nix filesystem 2- move into that folder 3- print list of contents with last modification date 4- calculate sub-folders size This folder's absolute path changes from server to server, but the folder name remains the same always. There is a config file that contai...

Delphi - restore actual row in DBGrid

Hi! D6 prof. Formerly we used DBISAM and DBISAMTable. That handle the RecNo, and it is working good with modifications (Delete, edit, etc). Now we replaced with ElevateDB, that don't handle RecNo, and many times we use Queries, not Tables. Query must reopen to see the modifications. But if we Reopen the Query, we need to repositioni...

locate extended attributes

Is there a simple way to write a kind of wrapper script or patch for updatedb (or locate) such that locate can find user defined extended attributes (tags) (suppose in an ext3 filesystem, mounted with user_xattr option), too? ...