
Log parser flooding security eventlog

When querying event logs with Log Parser the security eventlog gets flooded with Logon/Logoff eventid's. For example if querying the Application log on Machine X, it appears there is an entry for Logon/Logoff put into the Security log for every record pulled out of the Application log. This could result in thousands and thousands of ent...

LogParser query to grab only external IP addresses from IIS logs?

I tried this question over at ServerFault and didn't have any luck, so I thought I'd try here. I'm working on a public website that is used by both external visitors and internal employees. I'm after the external visitor hits, but I can't think of a good way to filter out the internal IP ranges. Using LogParser, what is the best way t...

how to use logparer for page stats

Does anyone have a script for logparser that will output a graph for daily page visits? ...

Extract response header value in IIS logparser

I'm using IIS LogParser 2.2 & I want to get the value of a particular response header. Is there a function I can use in the query to extract the value of one http response header out of the responseHeader field? I'm currently doing this, which is really ugly: substr(ltrim(extract_suffix(responseHeader, 0, 'headername: ')), 0, index_of...

Can I get LogParser 2.2 to export into MySQL?

I've got an IIS site running with a MySQL db. Is there a way to get logparser to export into a MySQL database? ...

LogParser for Java

I just read this post and i wonder if there is something like this for querying jboss log file. ...

How to calculate bandwidth consumption for a Hosting Account using C# in ASP.Net Application?

HI all, I am working on SaaS Hosting Software. a large number of sites are hosted on the server. I am trying to calculate bandwidth consumption, (bytes transferred in and out) using C#, described Here using the MS Log Parser. In the above case, if the log files are deleted by the user or any administrator even, the bandwidth calculatio...

Storage of parsed log data in hadoop and exporting it into relational DB

I have a requirement of parsing both Apache access logs and tomcat logs one after another using map reduce. Few fields are being extracted from tomcat log and rest from Apache log.I need to merge /map extracted fields based on the timestamp and export these mapped fields into a traditional relational db ( ex. MySQL ). I can parse and e...

LogParser output and Powershell

Hello all, I am using the below PowerShell function to parse event logs that have been saved locally from a remote machine. Unfortunately, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to dump out to another format instead of just to the console window. When I insert an INTO statement into my SQL query I get the following error: Ex...

logparser binaries distribution

Is it legal to distribute the Microsoft logparser binary (dll) with my application? ...

Regex to return unique lines when pattern matched

I am parsing a log file and trying to match error statements. The part of the line I am matching "error CS" will apply to numerous lines some duplicates some not. Is there a way I can not return the duplicates. Using Java flavor of RegEx.. example: my simple regex returns Class1.cs(16,27): error CS0117: 'string' does not contain a ...

ms logparser export to sql statements

is it possible to use the logparser commandline utility to output sql statements as text? it seems bent on actually connecting to sqlserver and performing the inserts automatically. i just want a text file with the table creation and insert statements so that i can run them against sqlite instead of sqlserver. or if you know how to ge...

Does Transact-SQL have a similar function to MS Logparser Quantize?

If you are familer with Microsoft Logparser you probably recognize the Quantize function which will truncate a value to the nearest multiple of another value. It is quite handy for grouping date-time fields into increments. Date-Time Count 1/1/2010 00:00 100 1/1/2010 00:15 134 1/1/2010 00:30 56 .......

How can LogParser be used to generate a “relational CSV” format out of data in IISLog?

Note: I have not used Logparser before. Thanks in advance & appreciate your suggestions. ...