
footnote spacing in LaTeX

I'm writing my dissertation and the grad school says I need a space between multiple footnotes and also the space between the text and the start of the footnotes is too small. Is there a way to do this? Any help is greatly appreciated. ...

Problem in Latex: "There's no line here to end"

I'm using Lyx to produce a Latex document, and when i try to convert to pdf, it complains of the error: "there's no line to end", and description is "//". My Latex document is like 200 lines without many line breaks. How am I supposed to debug this and get this darned pdf converted. I literally am stuck on this for hours, can't submit t...

Lyx: Can I beautify JSON inside a document?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to beautify or format JSON inside a Latex document. I am using Lyx as a front-end for writing the latex file. Are there any addons that people use? I tried to search but am not able to get anything relevant. ...

Possible to have the 'Part' section to always start on odd page number?

Hello! Is it possible to always have the 'Part' section to start at an odd page number? So that if the part one section extends to page two, then part two automatically moves to page three. I'm using Lyx to create the Latex file. EDIT: Just discovered that I have been using section instead of part. Have changed all the sections to part...

Has anyone tried literate programming for C#, with Lyx and noweb

I came across this blog post yesterday, and it once again made me want to give literate programming a try. Has anyone else tried doing literate programming for C#? I'm wondering about trying Lyx + noweb, but wondered if you might have other experience or suggestions. ...

Insert programming code in a Lyx document.

What is the best way of inserting python/C++ code in a Lyx document? The code is small examples less than 20 lines. My Lyx document is using the Book document class. Orjanp ...

Combining a userdefined float inside a shadowbox

Is it possible to combine the "program" part in a shadowbox? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{float} \floatstyle{ruled} \newfloat{program}{thp}{lop} \floatname{program}{Program} \begin{document} \begin{program} ## FROM HERE \begin{lstlinsting}[basicstyle={\footnotesize},language=Java,showstringspaces=false,tabsize=4] class Hel...

Latex: Convert "Comment" into "Marginal Note"

Hi, using LyX I'm trying to convert the "comments" into "marginal notes". I tried several things but without luck. The best shot was like this: \makeatletter \@ifundefined{comment}{}{% \renewenvironment{comment}[1]% {\begingroup\marginpar{\bgroup#1\egroup}}% {\endgroup}} \makeatother or like this: \@ifundefined{comment}{}{% \r...

Insert video clip in a lyx presentation and play it in GNU/Linux.

How can I insert a video clip into a presentation created in Lyx? Have seen It works, but there the video starts in the background in an external player. I would prefer it to be played in the presentation itself. If an external player is used it it should at least start ...

LyX - Change the fontsize of the compiled math

I have worked with LaTeX in a few years now. My default editor is of course emacs, but I want to try LyX. It seems to work quite well, especially the maxima-calculator intergrated. But I have one problem with it: How do I change the font-size of the run-time compiled math? (It's too small). ...

Showing labels in BibTex [LaTeX]

Hi, I'm currently using the apalike style for my bibliography, using natbib for author-year, however when I generate the bibliography I lose the labels that normally precede the reference, i.e. [S. Rostami, 2010] Shahin Rostami (2010) etc etc.. I read apalike.bst and it seems this is intended, my ...

Zed Notation in LyX

Is it possible to create Zed Notation schemes in LyX? How can it be done? ...

Does anybody knows how to use Lyx-Latex to create a LNCS document?

I already download the extension fro LNCS but I dont know how to use it? Its my first time using Lyx, Can somebody help me? I can give my email contact to who can help me. Thanks ...

How do I merge cells of the same column in LyX?

I have 3 subfigures I want to arrange so that 1 will be in the left and 2 will be in the right (one above the other): Figure 1 | Figure 2 Figure 1 | Figure 3 Figure 1 should appear only once of course - across the entire column. I thought I should use 2x2 table to arrange them, but I can't find a way to merge the two cells ...

lyx problem: ps, pdf "Authors not shown"

I'm trying to write a paper based on VLDB .cls and .tex files, it can be reached from here.It uses ACM SIG Proceedings Style.After fixing many errors, now i don't get any errors, However when i save my file as pdf or ps,i can not see the author names. The title and abstract are shown just not the code between these is not shown. i'm us...

Bibliography behaves strange in lyx.

Hi! I have created a Bibliography section in my document written in lyx. It uses a book layout. For some reason it did start over again when I added some more entries. The new entries was made some time later than the first ones. I just went down to key-27 and hit enter. Then it started on key-1 again. Does anyone know why it behaves ...

subscript for a join (\bowtie) operation in LyX/LaTeX

I'm using LyX to write some Relational Algebra queries. I'm using the \bowtie symbol for the join operation but when I try to put a text in subscript directly under the symbol, I get the following error: ...a_{\t{pId}}\t{person}\right)\bowtie\limits {\t{pId}{1}=\t{pId}_{2}... I'm i...

LyX - breaking long formula lines

How can I break long formulas in LyX into two (or more) lines? I know how to write several lines of equations in one "math box" but I'm looking for a solution to break lines even in the middle of a parenthesis. I'm using LyX 1.6.4 and currently, when the formula is too big, it doesn't do anything (it just doesn't print the last segment ...

Display frame around an expression in LyX (/LaTeX)

Is it possible to draw a frame around an expression? For example if I presented a calculation, I want to draw attention to the result by drawing a "box" around it. I've seen it done in some articles in LaTeX. Is it possible to do in LyX without ERT? Otherwise, how is it done in LaTeX? ...

What is the difference between "Page Break" and "New Page"?

In LyX/LaTeX, What is the difference between "Page Break" and "New Page"? They both seem to do the same to me. ...