
C# Graphics.RotateTransform works on localhost, but not on remote server

It works on my machine... I have a problem with using a C# Graphics method on my ASP.NET web host. I'm combining two map pins into a single image. I load an empty pin image and write a number on top of it. I then combine two of these, having rotated one 15 degrees and the other -15 degrees. It looks fine running through my localhost we...

Assemblies in machine.config not being recognised

I pulled out an assembly specificed in my project's local web.config, and put it in the relevant <assemblies> section in the machine config. When i try to run the web site, i get the error: The type or namespace name 'xyz' does not exist in the namespace 'abc'. Have i misunderstood something? The assembly im referencing is in the...

Visual Studio - UserName/Password management for deployment/source control / source code sharing

I'd like a streamlined methodology behind being able to run locally (work is done on more than one machine), deploy, and commit to version control where the sensitive information up to and including (password, username, port(s), hostnames, database name) are automatically absent(or removed) and imported based on which situation is happen...

Clean Web.Config file in Asp.NET 4.0?

Okay, I am wondering having clear web.config file could be good but you know some shared web hosting companies don't allow us to touch things like machine.config and etc. So If a lot of things have been moved onto machine.config, then will we be allowed to change things like we used to through web.config file. ...

WCF errors in VS 2010/.Net 4 using sample publish/subscribe app from IDesign website

I am attempting to compile/run a sample WCF application from Juval Lowy's website (author of Programming WCF Services & founder of IDesign). The application is an example of a publish/subscribe 'traffic-light' application that requires using VS 2010/.Net 4. This is my first attempt at using anything other than VS 2008/Net 3.5. Initi...

How do I effectively store a connection string in machine.config only?

We are moving to an environment with multiple engines of SQL Server running on the same server (a test engine and a production engine). We also have separate test and production web servers, and would like for our applications to "magically" use the test database engine on the test web server and the production database engine o...

Server Explorer and connection string in the machine.config

How can I see in the in Visual Studio Server Explorer a connection if the connection string is defined in the machine.config file? It would be very useful to update a dbml file if I change a the DB schema... ...

Problem Configuring "Location" Path Security on Machine.config

I'm trying to add something like this in Machine.config: <location path="elmah.axd"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="domain\johnny" /> <deny users="*"/> </authorization> </system.web> </location> This works great in the application-level web.config, but I can't get it to take ...

I have two machine.config files on my server, which one do I edit and how do I verify they are being used?

Hi there, I need to do some performance tuning and need to modify the following settings: processModel, httpRuntime, and connectionManagement. Simple enough I suppose, but I'm not sure which of the two machine.config files to edit, or do I edit both? \Windows\\ Framework \v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config \Windows\microso...

Unable to modify machine.config file

I want to improve performance of my ASP.NET web application and want to change "processModel" tag in machine.config. But I am unable to modify "machine.config" file located at framework directory. Though I have disabled "readonly" permission for the file, still it is not working. ...

AppCmd: Framework vs Framework64

I have a batch of new server getting installed and I'm finally trying to automate as much of at process as possible. Part of that includes making some changes to machine.config, like setting configSource on connectionStrings and setting the machine keys across a lb pool. It appears that on a 64bit os, appcmd only effects the config in t...

How can I access the underlying libraries that .NET uses for ViewState signing and encryption

I need to thread state through the client, but only for particular get requests (aka links). As such, I don't want to add this state to the client's ViewState, cluttering it up. The state needs to be encrypted. How can I create a new ViewState-like dictionary and encrypt it with the key and settings from MachineKey in machine.config? If ...

Parser Error Message: The connection name 'LocalSqlServer' was not found in the applications configuration or the connection string is empty.

I'm currently setting up my website on a new SQL Server 2008 server, however I'm getting the following error: Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately....