
maximum memory which malloc can allocate!

I was trying to figure out how much memory I can malloc to maximum extent on my machine (1 Gb RAM 160 Gb HD Windows platform). I read that maximum memory malloc can allocate is limited to physical memory.(on heap) Also when a program exceeds consumption of memory to a certain level, the computer stops working because other applications ...

Basic heap usage statistics in GCC on 64-bit platform

I need to answer a basic question from inside my C program compiled by GCC for Linux: how much of process heap is currently in use (allocated by malloc) and how much resides if free heap blocks. GNU implementation of standard library has mallinfo function which reports exactly what I need, but it only usable with 32-bit configurations an...

Taming the malloc/free beast -- tips & tricks

I've been using C on some projects for a master's degree but have never built production software with it. (.NET & Javascript are my bread and butter.) Obviously, the need to free() memory that you malloc() is critical in C. This is fine, well and good if you can do both in one routine. But as programs grow, and structs deepen, keeping...

How should a multi-threaded C application handle a failed malloc()?

A part of an application I'm working on is a simple pthread-based server that communicates over a TCP/IP socket. I am writing it in C because it's going to be running in a memory constrained environment. My question is: what should the program do if one of the threads encounters a malloc() that returns NULL? Possibilities I've come up wi...

Is this pointer initialization necessary?

Lets say I have the following: CHARLINK * _init_link(CHARLINK **link) { short i; (*link)->cl = (CHARLINK **) calloc(NUM_CHARS, sizeof(CHARLINK *)); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++) (*link)->cl[i] = NULL; return (*link); } Is the loop to initialize each element to NULL necessary or are they automatically NULL ...

C Programming: malloc() inside another function

I need help with malloc() inside another function. I'm passing a pointer and size to the function from my main() and I would like to allocate memory for that pointer dynamically using malloc() from inside that called function, but what I see is that.... the memory, which is getting allocated, is for the pointer declared within my called...

Is it secure to use malloc?

Somebody told me that allocating with malloc is not secure anymore, I'm not a C/C++ guru but I've made some stuff with malloc and C/C++. Does anyone know about what risks I'm into? Quoting him: [..] But indeed the weak point of C/C++ it is the security, and the Achilles' heel is indeed malloc and the abuse of pointers. C/C++ it is a...

C Programming: malloc() for a 2D array (using pointer-to-pointer)

Hi Guys, yesterday I had posted a question: How should I pass a pointer to a function and allocate memory for the passed pointer from inside the called function? From the answers I got, I was able to understand what mistake I was doing. I'm facing a new problem now, can anyone help out with this? I want to dynamically allocate a 2D ar...

Seg Fault with malloc'd pointers

I'm making a thread class to use as a wrapper for pthreads. I have a Queue class to use as a queue, but I'm having trouble with it. It seems to allocate and fill the queue struct fine, but when I try to get the data from it, it Seg. faults. (the printf's are for debugging, both throw seg faults) edit: the q...

Wrong reading file in UNICODE (fread) on C++

Hello, I'm trying to load into string the content of file saved on the dics. The file is .CS code, created in VisualStudio so I suppose it's saved in UTF-8 coding. I'm doing this: FILE *fConnect = _wfopen(connectFilePath, _T("r,ccs=UTF-8")); if (!fConnect) return; fseek(fConnect, 0, SEEK_END); lSize = ftell(fConnect)...

Simple c malloc question

this doesn't work: void funtion(char* var) { var = (char*) malloc (100); } int main() { char* str; function(str); strcpy(str, "some random string"); printf("%s\n", str); return 0; } this does: void funtion(char* var) { //var = (char*) malloc (100); } int main() { char* str; //function(str); ...

Use OpenBSD's malloc, realloc and free in my program

I would like to use OpenBSD's implementation of malloc, realloc and free on my Debian lenny desktop rather than glibc's. Are they simply drop in replacements: will they work on my Linux desktop ? Which are the file(s) that I need and which OpenBSD package contains them ? ...

libarchive reads too many chars when extracting a file

I've written a C program to extract files from a tar archive using libarchive. I'd like to extract a file from this archive and print it to standard output. But I get extra characters. It's garbage, but it's from another file (possibly adjacent to it in the archive.) I expect output to end at </html>. Here is the code that reads t...

malloc and obtaining recently freed memory

I am allocating the array and freeing it every callback of an audio thread. The main user thread (a web browser) is constantly allocating and deallocating memory based on user input. I am sending the uninited float array to the audio card. (example in my page from my profile.) The idea is to hear program state changes. When I call mall...

Help with memory leak (malloc)

I'v followed a tutorial to use OGL tesselaton. In one of the callbacks there is a malloc and it creates a leak every time I render a new frame. void CALLBACK combineCallback(GLdouble coords[3], GLdouble *vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble **dataOut) { GLdouble *vertex; vertex = (GLdouble *...

Why doesn't this work?

I'v tried to solve a memory leak in the GLU callback by creating a global variable but now it dos not draw anything: GLdouble *gluptr = NULL; void CALLBACK combineCallback(GLdouble coords[3], GLdouble *vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble **dataOut) { GLdouble *vertex; if(gluptr == NULL) ...

callin' c from lua crashs while reallocating

hi folks, i got a crazy error within that for-loop matr=realloc(matr, newmax*sizeof(matr*)); for (i=0; i<newmax; i++){ matr[i]=realloc(matr[i], newmax*sizeof(int)); } matr is a multi-dimension array: int **matr. i need to resize column and row. first line resizes column and the for-loop resizes every row. it worked fine in c. n...

Strange things appear on running the program

Hey! I'm fixing a program but I'm facing a problem and I cant really realize what's the wrong on the code. I would appreciate any help. I didnt post all the code...but i think with this part you can get an idea of it. With the following function enter() I wanna add user commands' datas to a list. eg. user give the command: "en james b...

What happens to class members when malloc is used instead of new?

I'm studying for a final exam and I stumbled upon a curious question that was part of the exam our teacher gave last year to some poor souls. The question goes something like this: Is the following program correct, or not? If it is, write down what the program outputs. If it's not, write down why. The program: #include<iostream.h>...

seg fault caused by malloc and sscanf in a function

Hi, I want to open a text file (see below), read the first int in every line and store it in an array, but I get an segmentation fault. I got rid of all gcc warnings, I read through several tutorials I found on the net and searched stackoverflow for solutions, but I could't make out, what I am doing wrong. It works when I have everythi...