
How to reference man pages in CS papers?

Hi, I am busy writing my thesis (so, I guess this could count as a homework question). Now, one of the things that came up was the Unix select system call. I would like to add a reference to the appropriate man page, but all I can find that seems the slight bit official is the Single Unix Specification site that wants my money first. Sur...

man sections

How do I access specific sections of man pages? ...

Why do programs in Unix-like environments have numbers after their name?

For example, when I run man ioctl the page says IOCTL(2) at the top. What does that mean? Is there an IOCTL(1)? And how does one navigate between these? ...

Providing Documentation for an Unix command?

I made an Unix command called macmac2unix, which converts a Word file from Mac to Unix. How can I provide documentation for my command? I want to read about my command with man $man macmac2unix ...

Missed words in Man?

I have missed words in my Mac's man How can I solve the problem? ...

Comparing Mac's and Unix manuals?

How can I list differences between Mac's and Unix manuals? For example, between the following commands uniq guniq I tried the following unsuccessfully diff (man uniq) (man guniq) ...

Unable to move fast between config files and manuals

Man's manual have the following Specify the configuration file to use; the default is /private/etc/man.conf. (See man.conf(5).) The PATH is in bold for /private/etc/man.conf in man. It suggests me that it could be a hyperlink to the file. It would be cool to have a Emacs-like moving in man. I have not succeeded to enter the f...

Why are *nix commands referred to as Man(1), Diff(1), Cat(1), etc...

Possible Duplicate: Why do programs in Unix-like environments have numbers after their name? What does the (1) mean? ...

Unable to unbind a shell function

This question is based on the thread. I have the shell function function man() { man "$1" > /tmp/manual; less /tmp/manual } The problem is there exists the command man. How can you replace the command with my command? ...

To fix a bug in Less' command by noting no. of parameters

This question is based on this thread. The code function man() { man "$1" > /tmp/manual; less /tmp/manual } Problem: if I use even one option, the command does not know where is the wanted-manual For instance, man -k find gives me an error, since the reference is wrong. The command reads -k as the manual. My attempt ...

Remove page numbers from man pages in Solaris?

When I use Solaris, I get page numbers every 60 lines or so that look like this SunOS 5.11 Last change: 10 Feb 2009 1 Also, I get headers like User Commands ls(1) Is there any way to remove them? It's distracting to have them appear when I'm reading text line by line. ...

How does one configure XTerm on Mac to correctly interpret nulls in man output?

Using XTerm, ssh to a linux box and run this: $ man ascii | grep BEL 007 7 07 BEL â\aâ (bell) 107 71 47 G Do the same from Mac Terminal: $ man ascii | grep BEL 007 7 07 BEL ’\a’ 107 71 47 G od output of above: $ man ascii | grep BEL | od -ta 0000000 sp sp sp sp ...

Preview man-page without installing package.

Hi I've checked out some typical open source project which is using auto-tools. I want to hack a bit on this package, but I would also like to change something in the man-page of the package. The man-page source is found project-name/doc/project-name.1. I just made a small change, and now I want to preview that change, without having t...

What does the 2 stand for in fork(2) ?

What does the number in parentheses after C function name mean in manpages ? For instance, I see fork(2) and wonder what the 2 means... Also, I read things like pthread_atfork(3C), so what does the 3C stand for? ...

Period in a man page?

I have a bold line, followed by a line starting with a period. man thinks that the . is the start of a command... is there a way to "escape" it? .B bold words ./something The ./something is a command to type in a terminal, not a man macro. I want man to display it. Things I've tried: ../something \./something ...

What is "q.v." in the tcsh man page

Ok, this has been an on-going annoyance, so naturally I thought to bring it here. In the tcsh man page the phrase q.v. is used, and I have no clue why those four characters are inserted. Is it self referential ? a technical reference ? a documentation or language convention ? Here are some examples in context. (+) Variables may be ...