
Indexed Views in OLTPs?

I'm familiar with SQL Server Indexed Views (or Oracle Materialized Views), we use them in our OLAP applications. They have the really cool feature of being able to usurp an execution plan and remap it to the indexed view w/out having to change existing code. IE. Let's say I had a SPROC that was a really expensive join. SELECT [SOME ...

ORACLE : Materialized view not working when Using LEFT JOIN

I want to create a MATERIALIZED VIEW from a LEFT JOIN of 2 tables. However the following gives me an error: SELECT field1 FROM table_1 a LEFT JOIN table_2 b ON a.field1=b.field2 ORA-12054: cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view However the following works: SELECT field1 FROM tabl...

ORACLE : Materialized view- change START WITH CLAUSE

I created a Materialized view using the following code: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW M_USER_HIERARCHY BUILD IMMEDIATE REFRESH COMPLETE START WITH TO_DATE('25-Aug-2009 10:34:24','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') NEXT SYSDATE + 1 WITH PRIMARY KEY AS SELECT * FROM V_USER_HIERARCHY; However, I want to be able to change the START WITH date A...