
Is there any free Equation Editor Control

Hi am going to do some project there i need to show integral , sigma, pie , etc.. so is there any equation edtior controls available. so I have to integrate to my Asp.Net project I got one editor ie: LAtex Equation editor but it show the html format in the textbox ,and also it show his site name etc on the Equation popup editor, it...

How can I mix LaTeX in with Markdown?

I've been using Markdown for class notes, and it's great. I even do some preprocessing on the Markdown so I can do things like tables. But this term I'm teaching a class with a lot of math, and I'd love to be able to put LaTeX formulas with Markdown, something like this: The refinement relation is written $a \sqsubseteq b$, which can ...

Convert xypic matrix to eps. (LaTeX)

I have a lot of BIG xypic-matrices in my LaTeX file for one of my papers, and it takes long/infinite time to compile. Is there a way to convert just the separate xypic-pieces to eps files, that I include in my main document? I suppose I use LaTeX to compile the xypic part, but then I will get an entire document, right? (Can someone add...

Typesetting LaTeX fraction terms to be larger in an equation

I have the following formula in LaTeX, based on Fisher's Exact Test. (NOTE: requires the use of the amsmath package for \binom.) \begin{equation} P(i,j) = \sum_{x=|N(V_i) \cap V_j|}^{\min\{|V_j|, |N(V_i)|} \frac{ \binom{|V_j|}{x} \binom{|V - V_j|}{|N(V_i)| - x}} {\binom{|V|}{|N(V_i)|}} \end{equation} This renders the fract...

How to strike out inside LaTeX equations?

Please see the snippet below and tell me how can I achieve the same strike-out effect as in the main text. I am using the version of LaTeX from the latest Ubuntu repositories. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ulem} \begin{document} The sout tag works perfect in the \sout{main text area} but not inside the equations. $$ list = [1, \so...

Rendering LaTeX on third-party websites?

There are some sites on the web that render LaTeX into some more readable form, such as Wikipedia, some Wordpress blogs, and MathOverflow. They may use images, MathML, jsMath, or something like that. There are other sites on the web where LaTeX appears inline and is not rendered, such as the arXiv, various math forums, or my email. In...

Adding an equation or formula to a figure caption in LaTeX

I have a figure in LaTeX with a caption to which I need to add a formula (equation* or displaymath environments). For example: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[tbph] \begin{center} %... \end{center} \caption{As you can see \begin{displaymath}4 \ne 5\end{displaymath} } ...

How to print out equations in Mathematica

How do i define, that formula should not be computed, but rather displayed in Traditional format. Here are 2 examples, where 1'st one is displayed like I want it, but 2'nd one is simplified. Print["5. ", Limit[f[x]/g[x], x -> a], "=", Limit[f[x], x -> a]/Limit[g[x], x -> a], ", where ", Limit[g[x], x -> a] != 0]; Print["7. ", Limit[c, x...

adding prefix to figure caption in LaTeX?

How can I change the caption of all figures in LaTeX to include a prefix? For example, make all figures appear as "Supplementary Figure 1", "Supplementary Figure 2", ... rather than "Figure 1", "Figure 2"? thanks. ...