suppose i have a string as
string[] _strFile;
foreach (ListViewItem item in listview1.Items)
string _strRecFileName = item.SubItems[5].Text;
_strFile = _strRecFileName.Split('\\');
in my listview i have a string as \123\abc\hello\.net\*winxp*
now i want to get the last value...
We are working together with another firm. our application communicates with the other application through WCF on our side and a custom implemented java wsdl handler on the other side. They specify the wsdl format and one of the rules is that a specific string cannot contain more then 15 characters. (normally it's 60, but i take 15 for e...
I have a Windows Form with a RichTextBox on it.
The content of the RichTextBox is written to a database field that ist limited to 64k data.
For my purpose that is way more than enough text to store.
I have set the MaxLength property to avoid insertng more data than allowed.
rtcControl.MaxLength = 65536
Howevery, that only restricts t...
If I want to enforce a maximum length of input in an EditText field, I can use the maxLength attribute. But if I want to enforce a minimum length (in my case, simply non-blank), I find no corresponding minLength attribute.
I've also looked at the various 'inputType' attributes (phone, password, etc) but I don't see anything like 'requi...
Is there a maximum filename length (or equivalent to MAX_PATH) on the BlackBerry operating system?
I need to open a text file with ~4MB in a RichTextBox, but the end of the text was "trimmed".
How do I override a RichTextBox.MaxLength Int32 limit?
We have two installations of DB2.
When defining a foreign key with a long name, it works fine on one instance, but not on the other (we get a SQL0107N Name too long - max length is 18).
What is causing this different behaviour? Is there a parameter we can change or is it version dependant?
Is there a way I can limit the width of a textbox to be equal to the MaxLength property? In my case right now, the textbox control is placed in a table cell as in this snippet:
<td class=TDSmallerBold style="width:90%">
<asp:textbox id="txtTitle" runat="server"
Text="Type a title h...
How to set max length for Span and Div elements ?
Hi everyone,
I'm currently working with Entities (using visual studio 2008, FW 3.5 SP1).
I created my entities from the database, and everything is ok, except that my lenght constraints on the string fields are not enforced.
Browsing the internet, I found out that this is quite normal (see this blog post), and that Entities sends the da...
What's the best way to limit the text length of an EditText in Android?
Is there a way to do this via xml?
I know email addresses are limited to 254 characters, but is there a single resource that outlines suggested maxlengths for common fields like contact information e.g. phone, city, etc?
It seems every project I work people just shoot from the hip on their proposed limits. I'm hoping to find a canonical reference, targeted to a specific ...
I have a textarea that I want to block input on if the entered characters reaches a max-length.
I currently have a Jquery script for the textbox that calculates the characters entered and want to add something that will block input in the textarea once 150 characters are entered.
I have tried using max-length plugins in conjunction w...
Using C, how do we find the max size of char* allowed by a file system?
Hi there,
I used WinAPI function to create OLE file in C#. The WinAPI function is:
public static extern int OleCreateFromFile(
[In] ref Guid rclsid,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpszFileName,
[In] ref Guid riid, uint renderopt,
[In] IntPtr pFormatEtc,