
How can I accelerate the generation of the an MD5 Checksum within

I'm working with some very large files residing on P2 (Panasonic) cards. Part of the process we employ is to first generate a checksum of the file we are going to copy, then copy the file, then run a checksum on the file to confirm that it copied OK. The problem is, is that files are large (70 GB+) and take a long time to complete. ...

Character encoding issues when generating MD5 hash cross-platform

This is a general question about character encoding when using MD5 libraries in various languages. My concern is: suppose I generate an MD5 hash using a native Python string object, like this: message = "hello world" m = md5() m.update(message) Then I take a hex version of that MD5 hash using: m.hexdigest() and send the message & M...

Java to JavaScript (Encryption related)

Hi guys, I'm having difficulties to get the same string in Javascript and I'm thinking that I'm doing something wrong... Java code: import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import sun.misc....

AS3 and hashing

Is it possible to hash flv videos so it is unplayable by itself and the format is unrecognizable by softwares, but i could actually de-hash them and play in my as3 script? This is going to be realized on a CD so I can't use server scripts. ...

Server authorization with MD5 and SQL.

I currently have a SQL database of passwords stored in MD5. The server needs to generate a unique key, then sends to the client. In the client, it will use the key as a salt then hash together with the password and send back to the server. The only problem is that the the SQL DB has the passwords in MD5 already. Therefore for this to wo...

How to transform phrases and words into MD5 hash?

Can anyone, please, explain to me how to transform a phrase like "I want to buy some milk" into MD5? I read Wikipedia article on MD5, but the explanation given there is beyond my comprehension: "MD5 processes a variable-length message into a fixed-length output of 128 bits. The input message is broken up into chunks of 512-bi...

Python: How to display the calculated MD5 value in my browser?

Hello, I was given this Python code that would calculate an MD5 value for any phrase: import md5"Nobody inspects the spammish repetition").digest() (The phrase here is: "Nobody inspects the spammish repetition") What I want to do is display this value in my browser. How do I do it in Python? I tried all these variants, non...

What is the difference between using MD5.Create and MD5CryptoServiceProvider?

In the .NET framework there are a couple of ways to calculate an MD5 hash it seems, however there is something I don't understand; What is the distinction between the following? What sets them apart from eachother? They seem to produce identical results: public static string GetMD5Hash(string str) { MD5CryptoServicePro...

Is it an MD5 digest in this Python script?

Hello, I am trying to understand this simple hashlib code in Python that has been given to me the other day on Stackoverflow: import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() m.update("Nobody inspects") m.update(" the spammish repetition here") m.digest() '\xbbd\x9c\x83\xdd\x1e\xa5\xc9\xd9\xde\xc9\xa1\x8d\xf0\xff\xe9' m.digest_size 16 m.block_size 64 ...

facebook api over rest getting Incorrect signature <error_code> 104

Hello all im trying to send rest api Users.getLoggedInUser i have all the secret session and all the Authenticationi made according to this site : here is my code (cpp QT but it can be any thing else ) : QString toAPISignature = ...

Need MD5 guideline

Is there any specific algorithm for the encoding and decoding MD5. Kindly give me the proper direction or guideline, so that I can move on.. I have search a lot on Google but I haven't find, kindly give the articles or tutorial link. ...

MD5 purpose or uses

If we can't decode the MD5 hash string, then what is the purpose of MD5 where can we use MD5. ...

Memcache key generation strategy

Given function f1 which receives n String arguments, what would be considered better ,in terms of runtime performance, random key generation strategy for memcache? Our Memcache client does internal md5sum hashing on the keys it gets: public class MemcacheClient { public Object get(String key) { String md5 = Md5s...

Unique identifier for an email

I am writing a C# application which allows users to store emails in a MS SQL Server database. Many times, multiple users will be copied on an email from a customer. If they all try to add the same email to the database, I want to make sure that the email is only added once. MD5 springs to mind as a way to do this. I don't need to worry ...

Split Entire Hash Range Into n Equal Ranges

Hello. I am looking to take a hash range (md5 or sha1) and split it into n equal ranges. For example, if m (num nodes) = 5, the entire hash range would be split by 5 so that there would be a uniform distribution of key ranges. I would like n=1 (node 1) to be from the beginning of the hash range to 1/5, 2 from 1/5 to 2/5, etc all the wa...

Can I convert an ASCII MD5 hashed password into a Unicode MD5 hashed password?

Hello, I'm looking for help to convert an ASCII MD5 hashed password into a Unicode MD5 hashed password? For example, I'll use the string "password" . When it's converted to an ascii byte array, I get a base64 encoded hash of X03MO1qnZdYdgyfeuILPmQ== When it's converted into a unicode byte array, I get a base64 encoded hash of sIHb6F4...

What hash algorithms are parallelizable? Optimizing the hashing of large files utilizing on multi-core CPUs.

I'm interested in optimizing the hashing of some large files (optimizing wall clock time). The I/O has been optimized well enough already and the I/O device (local SSD) is only tapped at about 25% of capacity, while one of the CPU cores is completely maxed-out. I have more cores available, and in the future will likely have even more...

General Question about MD5

So im just playing around with PHP and the MD5 functionality, sorry if this sounds really silly, but I cant seem to understand, how is it possible to represent an unlimited number of characters of input into a 32 bit character output? Is my logic sound here? Or is there a limit to the input that a MD5 function can take? Thanks... ...

How can it be impossible to "decrypt" an MD5 hash?

I was reading a question about MD5, and it made me remember something that boggles me. Very simple question, and I'm sorry if it's not a good one. I just can't understand how you convert something to one thing using some algorithm, and there being no way to convert it back using the algorithm in reverse. So how is this possible? Also, ...

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA-1 or SHA-2?

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA-1 or SHA-2 on "standard" laptop x86 hardware? I'm interested in general information, not specific to a certain chip. UPDATE: In my case, I'm interested in calculating the hash of a file. If file-size matters, let's assume its 300K. ...