
Any success rendering HDVideo with WPF MediaElement? Is there a better video player option for WPF?

I'm using a WPF MediaElement to render HD video in an application. When the size of the MediaElement gets over about 300 units square the video stutters and the computer is nearly totally unresponsive. I need to render the video full screen. Has anybody had success rendering fullscreen video using the WPF MediaElement? What were the ...

silverlight mediaelement RTSP

As far as I can see silverlight only supports streaming over http even in version 2, as I understand it mms is converted to http and therefore you cannot stream RSTP (I have tried to test this and get network errors unless I stream http). Does anyone know if RSTP is going to be supported in Silverlight or if it is and how? Thanks P ...

How to stream Webcam in WPF?

Can I stream a live video in WPF application from my web cam? If yes, then How? ...

WPF MediaElement video playback tearing

I'm trying to use the MediaElement control in WPF to play back video. It works great in Vista, but when I run it on an XP machine I get tearing in the display. It looks as if it's not using the vertical synch, and just updating the screen mid-draw. Anyone know how to fix this problem? ...

Round window playing movie using WPF

Is it possible with WPF to create a window that has the shape of a circle and uses a playing movie as the background? ...

Why doesn't MediaElement work in Silverlight?

When I run my Silverlight app, this code doesn't play a video at all: <MediaElement Source="winvideo-201DataGridPreview.wmv" AutoPlay="True" AudioStreamIndex="2" Margin="10" Height="200" Width="200"/> From all of the examples I can find of MediaElement, it seems to be the correct syn...

Issue using WPF MediaElement with HD (H.264, 720P) Video

I am using media element to render video in WPF. All videos are working fine except H.264 videos. They have some stuttering problem while they are rendered on screen. My machine configuration is much more than the recommended requirement to play for this video. Another surprising fact is that the video renders perfectly fine when I play ...

Silverlight MediaElement Cloud

Doe anybody know where i can get a sample silvelight mediaelement cloud similar to ...

Can you programmatically tell Media Element to stop downloading a file in silverlight?

I have a full length movie file on the server. I want to create a wall of media clips from that one file. I can create the clip functionality by setting the position for the start of the clip and listening for a marker telling me when to stop playing. However, I would like to have the Media Element stop download the rest of the file a...

using Silverlight MediaElement with Absolute URI

Hello all, I am trying to build a small silverlight application. I've got files I am hosting on my localhost. I want to be able to use MediaElement to play them. However I keep getting this annoying error message when I launch my silverlight application: Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight 2 Application SLControls.xap Code: 4001 Cate...

WPF MediaElement Freezing on last frame when setting Position

I have a MediaElement in WPF playing a WMV, that I'm rewinding 4 seconds (and I've also tried 4000 Milliseconds with same result). I want to simply loop the last 4 seconds of the video, so i'm .... protected override void videoBase_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //would reset to zero (replay) //base.MediaDisplayC...

using MediaElement play video issue

Hello everyone, I am using the popular sl2videoplayer from codeplex to play video, and everything is fine when I play remote video on an IIS web server. Sl2videoplayer could be found here, But when I open the default.html locally from disk (double click default.html to open in IE), there is error ...

Catching MediaPlayer Exceptions from WPF MediaElement Control

I'm playing video in a MediaElement in WPF. It's working 1000's of times, over and over again. Once in a blue moon (like once a week), I get a windows exception (you know the dialog Dr. Watson Crash??) that happens. The MediaElment doesn't expose an error, it just crashes and sits there with an ugly Crash report on the screen. If you ...

displaying subtitles for a video in a WPF MediaElement

I'm working on a WPF application that displays video clips as part of the workflow. I'm doing this by using MediaElement to play locally hosted (not streamed) AVI files. Works great. However, I was just handed a new requirement to allow the display of subtitles while the clip is playing. I have no idea of the best way to go about thi...

Multithreading TeeChart & Media Element

Hi, I am working in WPF, using a Media Element and a WPF TeeChart (by Steema). Both of these are visible and updating at the same time - whilst the video is playing, the graph will update at regular intervals to show data relevant to the current location in the video. The problem is that the TeeChart takes a long time to update, which ...

WPF: Video colors in MediaElement different from Windows Media Player

I have noticed (on my Vista 64bit machine) that a video being shown in a WPF MediaElement has different colors than when being played in Windows Media Player. Inside the MediaElement, the video has a slightly desaturated look with lower contrast. The videos I have tried so far are WMV videos that were produced by different people with d...

MediaElement Support in WPF

I am evaluating WPF and Silverlight for a Project. I find WPF to be most suited for our purpose since we require performance, graphics support, Office compatibility and the ability to support ActiveX controls. It is also a Desktop application. However there is one area where i find Silverlight to be superior - Media support. I would like...

Why is video in WPF MediaElement taking so long to repeat?

Here's my Xaml for a MediaElement: <MediaElement x:Name="mediaElement" Width="400" Height="300" Stretch="UniformToFill" IsMuted="True"> <MediaElement.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="MediaElement.Loaded"> <EventTrigger.Actions> <BeginStoryboard> ...

Show first frame of video in WPF MediaElement

I have a WPF-application with a MediaElement which I use to run a video. I don't want the video to autoplay when loaded, so I set the LoadedBehavior to Manual. <MediaElement LoadedBehavior="Manual" Source="foo.wmv" MediaOpened="videoElement_MediaOpened" /> However; I want the element to show the first fr...

Silverlight MediaElement Source Title

Hello, I'm using a MediaElement with this source: When I open it with Windows Media Player I get a title: "Ministry of Sound Radio", but I've seen the MediaElement properties and can't find this title. Can anybody help me with this? Thank you ...