
How to handle relationships to users from other tables in ASP.Net MVC?

At the table level I'm setting aspnet_User.UserID as foreign key of UserID in the other tables (like Posts.UserID, so each post has an owner). Is that the way to go? When I create the LINQ to SQL model, should I include the aspnet_User table? When I create a post (record in the Posts table, a Post object), how do I set the relationship...

ASP.NET Membership passwordStrengthRegularExpression and GeneratePassword

The generatePassword method in the membership provider allows only length and alphanumeric characters to be set. However there is also the property passwordStrengthRegularExpression Does GeneratePassword makes use of the property above. It would be great if it did but I assume it dosn't? ...

Building Paypal based membership website - total noob - would appreciate help

Hi guys - this is a follow up on my question on paypal integration. I'm working ona membership site for racing fans. My membership site has 3 membership levels - free, gold and premium. When a user signs up he/she can gets a free membership on the spot but has the option to upgrade to a gold membership for 4 Dollars a month or a premium ...

ASP.NET Membership validate password

I use ASP.NET Membership to manage users on my site. But I need to create the user accounts manually, without the help of the CreateUserWizard. I have set textboxes for the required fields, and now I am setting up validators. The question is: How do I make a validator that would see if the password the user enters in the textbox is vali...

How do I persist which database a user is associated with it using LINQ and ASP.NET MVC?

I have an app I must write that will utilize a database for each company we are able to get as a client. Unfortunately, the schemas for all the companies databases's are not identical, even though for this app they all have the basic information I need (even if their column names are different/in a different table). My solution to ha...

Deploying ASP.NET membership to Godaddy

I'm trying to deploy a website using ASP.NET membership and the hosting company is godaddy. Problem is that for some reason an error is being thrown when I log in. I've modified some pages for testing purposes to see if I can pull data from the database and it works fine. So I know it's mapping to the proper source. The error I'm rec...

How do I find out total number of sessions created i.e. number of logged in users?

Hi guys I have a simple membership based website where users log in and have their own profiles. I woudl like to be able to tell at any given point in time how many users or rather which users are currently logged into my website. Its a simple membership based system in php. One way I uderstand it creating a table in a db and storing l...

ASP.Net logout code block

I need a good logout code block for Currently after you logout you can hit the back button and continue using the site. ...

How can I set up ASP.NET login to allow the UserName or UserId to be retrieved later on in the session?

Hi, I'm trying to create a login system for my website, I've created a custom login.ascx and when the user clicks [ Login ] a div pops up with the contents of login.ascx. Then after the user enters their credentials, they click on the Login button. They get validated and logged in using this code in the login click function: if( Membe...

Is it possible to change the username with the Membership API

I am using the default sql membership provider with ASP.NET and I would like to provide a page to change the user's username. I believe I am sure I could do this with a custom provider, but can this be done with the default provider? Second part of my question is: Should I allow users to change their username after the account is create...

Active Directory get users in role

I get the members of a AD group, but instead of the user name, im getting the display name. How can i get the user name? ...

Excluding the profile provider, is there an easy way to add custom fields to ASP.NET membership?

I know you can use the Profile provider for custom fields, but given the way the data is stored in the database, it is not efficient for my needs. Is there a way to add custom fields to the database for use with membership, while taking advantage of all the built in membership stored procedures and c# classes? (Short of adding fields t...

ASP.NET Membership Redirect User on Denial of Access

I want to redirect the user to a custom error page when s/he is denied access to a page because of ASP.NET Membership's Roles. I thought this could be solved by the customErrors section of the web.config file, but none of the errors I've tried has caught it. In other words, if a user is in the role "Project Focal" access, and tries t...

Modelling teams

Hello, I just wanted to get some feedback on better ways to model a team/team membership in rails. I currently have the following: class User has_many :teams, :foreign_key => "owner_id" #user owns this team has_many :memberships #user is a member of these teams class Team belongs_to :team_administrator, :class_name => "Use...

NTLM/Windows Authentication and GetAllUsers()

I'm designing a web app which will be used on an intranet so Windows authentication mode is ideal. However, part of the app would need the ability to get a list of users (to pick users for assignments. Membership.GetAllUsers() doesn't apply (on its own) with windows-authentication. I can't use ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider because...

Is there any Open Forum software that uses the ASP.NET membership Provider

I have downloaded a few forum packages form, and looked at YetAnotherForum, but they don't seem to use the ASP.Net membership provider. I am using MySQL for a database and would like to have a forum using the same user base without too much extra work, since I don't know if the forum will be popular. Are there any forum sol...

ASP.NET membership - 2 application ID records

I have an ASP.NET site under development on my computer. It has it's own sqlserver database. For some reason the membership provider system seems to create two application records for the project. This causes problems for me since the membership system is creating two records, one for each application record, for each user in the system....

Dealing with multiple login systems (Facebook Connect, Google Account, and others)

If you want to allow your site users to be able to login with Facebook Connect, Google Account, etc, how do you design your database so that they are all integrated? ...

What good software or scripts are available for managing users and subscriptions on our website?

hi all, Ok so it's not exactly a programing question but does anyone know or have experience with looking for a system for managing users on a website we are building? what is the shortlist of good feature rich secure solutions. we need Php and mysql integration and payment support for main credit cards. We will also want to be able to ...

Create Foreign Key to ASP.Net Roles table

I have a Pages table, I have a PagesRoles table with PageId, RoleID that links to ASP.Net Membership Roles table and the Pages table. I want to somehow return a Page that links to the currently logged in User's Roles. The User may be in more than one role. A Page can have more than one Role against it. I have a Page class that has a f...