
An efficient way to merge 2 large CSS files

I'm looking for a tool that allows you to merge 2 large CSS files. All the ones I've tried so far (like CSSMerge) haven't worked out. Some of them just randomly remove properties. Others choke on the non-standard properties like -webkit and -moz and give me errors. And I also need something that preserves the case of each rule. CSSMerge ...

merge two rows and search in

Hi, I've used this MySQL query to get data: SELECT DISTINCT A.*, B.username FROM posts A, members B WHERE B.status=1 AND (A.USERID=B.USERID AND A.title LIKE '%myquery%' AND B.public='1' AND A.type = 'update' ) order by A.ID desc limit 0, 10 this works to search title row, but i need to search into title and msg row, how to "merge" (?)...

Javascript merge objects in array by values

In Javascript, I have an array with objects that looks like this: var arr = [ { value_1: 0, value_2: 4, encounter_bits: { min_level: 8, max_level: 12, rarity: 20, conditions: [1, 5] } }, { value_1: 1, value_2: 4, encounter...

Merge Hashmaps retaining values JAVA

Hi Say I have two hashmaps: {dog=1, cat=1, sport=3, golf=4} {dog=5, person=1, animal=4} I want to merge them retaining the values, so that the values add together in the output Output: {dog=6, person=1, animal=4, cat=1, sport=3, golf=4} Notice how "dog" has a value of 6 (5+1) Using Hashmap.putAll(), the value of dog becomes 5, a...

Merge two ActiveRecord arrays and order by created_at

books = Book.find(:all) articles = Articles.find(:all) By reading from I knew that I could do something like: <%= render :partial => [customer1, employee1, customer2, employee2] %> and it would use _customer and _employee partials as appropriate. So I want to do something lik...

How to merge a large set of polygons with Boost Polygon?

I am looking for a way, using Boost Polygon, to read in a large set of polygons from a file, and output the resulting merge or union to a result file. In this case the polygons touch but do not overlap. I can put the data in any format. Not sure if there is a standard used by Boost Polygon. I am also looking for more documentation on the...

VisualSVN - merging revisions into one

Hi! We have some server with VisualSVN free service. Because we want to make some space on it, I determined to merge some old projects' revisions. They are not used anymore (the old revs.). To test this I created a local visualsvn server on Win7 machine. I created a repository project named "test", and some python tool that call the sv...

MERGE - When not matched INSERT's exception

i have a PL/SQL procedure using MERGE : MERGE INTO table_dest d USING (SELECT * FROM my_Table) s ON ( = when matched then UPDATE set d.col1 = s.col1 when not matched then INSERT (id, col1) values (, s.col1); now lets say the query s returns mutiple rows with same id wich will returns an ORA-00001: unique const...

optimized algorithm to synchronize two arrays

hi... am looking for an efficient algorithm to synchronize two arrays.. Lets say a1 and a2 are two arrays given as input... a1 - C , C++ , Java , C# , Perl a2 - C++ , Python , Java , Cw , Haskel output 2 arrays: Output A1 : C , C++ , Java Output A2 : Cw , Haskell , Python Output A1 : 1) items common to both arrays 2) items only i...

Is there any way to auto merge a TFS baseless merge?

This is TFS 2008. The trunk was renamed and we now need to merge a great^6 grand child of the trunk back into it. We are only able to do a baseless merge. When a baseless merge was done there were 13,000 conflicts. Auto-merge was then tried and it only reduced the conflicts by 1,000. The majority of these files are identical. I was...

Resolving merge conflicts after restarting eclipse using subversive.

I did a merge yesterday using subversive in eclipse 3.6 but there are plenty of conflicts. I closed eclipse before I finished editing the conflicts and was hoping to resolve the conflicts today. However when I open eclipse again today, I can't resolve the conflicts anymore. The options appear in the right click menu are "Overwrite and...

Merge conflicts ruin my commit message while squashing commits

My usual workflow with git is to create a new feature branch, do some work with frequent commits, and then merge back into the development branch when the feature is working and/or stable. Usually, when I do git merge --squash feature-branch, I get a nice "squashed commit of the following" message that auto-populates with all of the co...

Merge statement, where you insert or delete depending on parameter

I want to make an efficient sproc that either inserts a row or deletes. If a row exist, and the @action is false, i want to delete the row. If the row exists but @action is set to true no actions should be performed If the row doesnt exist i want to insert it Its for a checkboxlist, so i was going to loop through each listItem and call...

SVN log (with mergeinfo) doesnt show merged revisions

I use the svnserver version 1.6.4 (r38063) and on the client side TortoiseSVN 1.6.12. Also SlikSvn is installed on my PC. The problem: I merged some revisions from my trunk to a specific tag. After commit the "svn pg svn:mergeinfo" command on this tag shows all this new revisions. But if i use TortoiseSVN "Show Log" command with the op...

Merging overlapping ranges in PHP arrays?

I have an array in the following format: array( 0 => array(1, 5), 1 => array(4, 8), 2 => array(19, 24), 3 => array(6, 9), 4 => array(11, 17), ); Where each item is a X-to-Y range. What I would like to merge the overlapping ranges in the array, to get something more like this: array( 0 => array(1, 9), // 1-5, 4-8 and 6-9 a...

git merge: remote repo exists in a subdirectory

I'm trying to convert an old CVS repository tracking a vendor branch to git, and I'm running into a merge issue. The repository is structured like this: dir1/ dir2/ dir2 comes from the upstream branch. Upstream converted to git already, and dir2 in our repo is the root of their git repo. I want to add them as a remote and merge their...

How to use BeyondCompare from git mergetool in cygwin?

How to use BeyondCompare from "git mergetool" in cygwin? ...

How can one retroactively branch in subversion, or how can an one record a revert of a merged patch.

Part of the development I have done on a project can not be deployed, and should have been done in a separate branch. I have merged in the backwards changes (via tortoise's "revert changes from this revision" and careful editing), undoing the work that should have been in a separate branch, and committed this inverse patch to the trunk. ...

Is there a Eclipse plugin that provide FTP sync & merge & compare?

As titled, I couldn't find such plugin. Though many plugins provide FTP sync functions(like Aptana). But it lacks of compare/merge. Compare/Merge functions are usually used for versioning. However, in our web developments, we need such functions due to the followings: Our designers will modify the web site using FTP. I want to mer...

How to attach a simple data.frame to a spatialpolygondataframe in R?

Hi, I have (again) a problem with combining data frames in R. But this time, one is a and the other one is usual data.frame (DF). The SPDF has around 1000 rows the DF only 400. Both have a common column, QDGC Now, I tried oo <- merge(SPDF,DF, by="QDGC", all=T) but this only results in a normal data...