
Wordpress: How to compare 2 float values in meta_value column?

Hi Guys, I have about 100 posts in wordpress, all with a meta_key of price and a value. How would I go about searching through all posts with a value between 23.00 and 41.00 for example? I know that 'meta_compare ' treats 'meta_value' as a string, so I can't use this to solve my problem. Anybody have any clues? Thanks ...

Wordpress Custom Query

I have posts that use a custom field for start date and end date. Query_posts returns an array of posts that exist in the category I'm filtering. How do I query posts using this custom field that has date i.e. 03/11/2010 and not the full array. Pagination works on the full array so it returns all posts. I can use an if else to only show ...