
How to start automatic download of a file in IE?

How do I initialize an automatic download of a file in IE? For example in the download page, I want the download link to appear and a message: "If you download doesn't start automatically .... etc". The download should begin shortly after the page loads. In FireFox this is easy just need to include a meta tag in the header < meta http...

Meta-refresh doesn't work?

I have a page using something along the lines of <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" /> but for certain users on a certain workstation this doesn't work. The is in IE. Is there something wrong with cookies or a setting somewhere which would cause this to fail? I never heard of such a thing. ...

Set Page Top Left using Meta Tags - HTML

I want to set Top and Left position of MY Page using Meta Tags Kindly suggest some solution ...

Is it possible to use jQuery to read meta tags

Is it possible to use jQuery to read meta tags. If so do you know what the basic structure of the code will be, or have links to any tutorials. ...

What are the important meta tags I must put in my website?

There seems to be huge number of meta tags you can set. I'm guessing that some of them are more important than others. What are the most important metatags to supply and why? Do I even need meta tags? (looking at the stackoverflow homepage there are none) ...

Is there a good HTML Meta tags overview somewhere?

Is there somewhere on the Internet a list of common meta tags that can be included in the header of any HTML page? There's this site but it's not working properly. Anything better than this? ...

How to extract a meta tag from XML/HTML using Linq?

I am trying to parse a bit of data from an HTML file, but my Linq statement is not working. Here is the XML/HTML. Below, how can I extract the string "41.8;12.23" from the geo.position meta tag? Thx!! Here is my Linq String longLat = (String) from el in xdoc.Descendants() where (string)el.Name...

What happens if the meta tags are present in the document body?

I am working on a ASP application and the code, template and files are organized in a way that does not allow me to alter anything outside the body tag. So I am thinking about inserting the meta tags inside the body -- like this: <!-- FEW ASP INCLUDES --> <html> <head> <!-- FALLBACK TITLE AND DESCRIPTION --> <title>Default T...

Always using google chrome frame meta tag for standard compliant page, is good idea?

Hello, I was thinking to add meta tag always in all the websites. That will trigger google chorme frame to load for users who already installed. I can see the benefits but is there any concerns or facts that I should know before I do that? Testing in google chrome is enough or testing in google chrome frame explicitly required? Thank...

Does Meta-refresh require a full url

Does a meta refresh tag require a full url? I have code that looks like this, which seems to work just fine, but when I load it in lynx text browser, it says this is bad HTML. It seems to suggest that the full URL is required ( ...

Inserting Chinese Meta Tags

Hi, I have a multilingual site and I am having a problem inserting Chinese meta tags. These are transformed into question marks. Is there a way how I can achieve this? Many thanks --EDIT-- The table storing the SEF Urls is in the latin1_swedish_ci character set. How can I change this single table to utf8_general_ci without breaking ...

Is there any limit to the characters we can put in HTML 'keywords' meta tag?

So the title says it all I guess... I was wondering if there was a limit, according to the standards, that we should respect while entering keywords in the <meta name="keywords" /> tag inside the HEAD of any HTML page. Please note, I'm not asking how specific search engines take this tag into consideration, but about standards. EDIT: ... mvc - setting meta tags & page title

Hi, I have my mvc project setup which passes strongly typed view models to every view using a BaseViewModel. The base view model includes information such as page title & meta tag information. Is there a fast & simple way to use this information from my ViewModel to set this information in my master page? At the moment i have ...

Refresh Page only time

Hi, I write a meta tag for refreshing web page. Now i want to refresh a page only one time. What is the code for refreshing page only one time. Please help me to fix the problem... Thanks in Advance.. ...

Character entity in meta description

Hey Guys, Our SEO has asked us to put the &#9992; entity (✈) into our description, to possibly assist with our clickthroughs. This works fine in FF, however in IE (surprise surprise) if the client does not have a compatible font for the entity (So far I have only found MS Sans Serif) then it only shows up as sqaures in google results. ...

Using javascript to reset the meta tag to prevent it from refreshing the page

We have an legacy application (mixture of classic ASP and that has a few Ajax content rich pages.The expectation is that the users of the site performs a set of tasks on the page that can span a fair amount of time say, 15-30 minutes. One of the requirements is that users logging in to the site be automatically logged out after...

Meta Tags in Google Site Search

Hi, I'm planning on implementing a google site search (and paying for it so I can get access to the XML). One thing I am wondering about is the possibility to use custom meta tags in it. I've heard yes from colleagues but nothing confirmed. Searching for an answer has given nothing (maybe because you cant?) Anybody knows? Edit: I wan...

Is it possible to use javascript to change the meta-tags of the page?

if I put a div in the head and display:none, than use javascript to display it, will this work? Edit: I have stuff loaded in ajax. And as my ajax changes the "main" portion of the site, I want to change the meta-tags as well. ...

Javascript menu issue with IE7/IE8 Browser

I'm a web designer, and not a programmer. I frequently use a javascript menu program that is about 10 years + old. It's called "Hiermenu" and I got it from the DHTML Dynamic drive site. This particular javascript menuing program seems to interact poorly with Microsoft IE7 and IE8 browsers. I have had numerous complaints, that on mouseov...

ASP.NET MVC: MetaTags; setting methodology, best practices

When I created a default MVC application in VS2K10, the master view (Site.Master) had a ContentPlaceHolder for the <title> tag. Is there a better way to set metatags like title and description than using a ContentPlaceHolder in the master and setting that ContentPlaceHolder's value in each view? Should metatag data be part of my View ...