
Double-metaphone errors

I'm using Lawrence Philips Double-Metaphone algorithm with great success, but I have found the odd "unexpected result" for some combinations. Does anyone else have additions or changes to the algorithm for other parts of it they wouldn't mind sharing, or just the combinations that they've found that do not work as expected. eg. I had i...

Test Suite for Double Metaphone ?

I've translated Double-Metaphone into ActionScript3 and I want to test it (obviously) before I release the source to ... um ... the open. I'm looking for a long list of names with the primary and secondary codes. Google does not find anything except one list with pairs of names (presumably they should match). Thanks ...

Enabling soundex/metaphone for non-English characters

Hi all, I've been studying soundex, metaphone and other string search techniques the past few days, and in my understanding both algorithms work well in handling non-English words transliterated to English. However the requirement that I have would be for such search to work in the original, untransliterated languages, accomodating alp...

metaphone for asian languages

I'm writing a data import tool in sql. I'm using single and double metaphone for finding possible incorrect and duplicate data. Metaphone works fine for English like languages (French, Spanish,... ) but it doesn't work for asian languages (chinese, arabic, hindi,..). Is there any similar algorithm exists for these languages. ...

What are the practical usages of functions metaphone() and soundex() in PHP?

Metaphone and Soundex are phonetic algorithms for indexing strings by their English pronunciation. Have you ever used functions metaphone() or soundex() that are present in the standard PHP library? What for? What are real-life usages of these functions? ...