
Can migrations be applied to fixtures in Ruby on Rails?

I find fixtures a bit tedious to use in Ruby on Rails, partly because I need to manually correct them after most migrations. Is there a way (a plugin?) I can have my fixtures modified when I run my migrations? ...

Oracle Forms application direction

We have a big Oracle Forms 10 application and have been thinking about future direction. The choices seem to be: Continue development with Forms (Oracle has stated it will continue support). Do future development with Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) and Oracle JDeveloper. This can co-exist with Forms. Migrate the whole a...

cocoon 2.1.x to 2.2.0 migration guide

Can anyone recommend me a good migration guide? ...

Are there any tools to do Migrations (a la Ruby) on Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)?

Are there any tools, or 'best practices' for creating Migrations on MSSQL? I have a Dev & Production database, and the Dev one often has new SPROCs created, and occasionally the structure is added to. I'd like to be able to write a set of scripts during each iteration which will update the Dev server, then execute all the scripts at rele...

Recommendations for migrating a legacy web app to a modern framework.

Hello all, I am currently doing some work for a company that runs a legacy web app built on Java Servlets (the system pre-dates JSP's, although they now use them when building new pages). The code base is a big jumbled mess as its around 10 years of building on top of an out of date framework. They have very little consistency in the co...

.Net guy getting up to speed on Java -- suggested resources?

Hi I've been coding in .NET for several years, and more recently Actionscript. I need to get up to speed now on Java development. I was hoping for some references to good books and blogs that will help me get up to speed in the Java gotcha's I'm likely to encounter. I'd like to know about the framework classes (collections, runtime, ...

Populate a constant values table

In a Rails application, I need a table in my database to contain constant data. This table content is not intended to change for the moment but I do not want to put the content in the code, to be able to change it whenever needed. I tried filling this table in the migration that created it, but this does not seem to work with the test...

How to move data from VistaDB to MS SQL Server?

Currently, I have a blog that is using VistaDB as back-end database, but later I realize that I want to MS SQL Server instead. I was wondering there is any tools that are available for migration data like this problem? ...

How painful can a Linux to OpenSolaris migration be?

We have a business application that basically runs on an os-independent stack (tomcat+java+mysql) but we have always run it redhat or centos. There is a customer that is insisting to run it on opensolaris for his own reasons (an expensive everything-is-included support agreement with Sun). How painful can such a migration be? We have ...

Complete MOSS 2007 Migration

Hi! The situation at the moment is that we have a sharepoint server which started out as a pilot but now actually runs as the production environment. The server on which sharepoint runs is an old machine which does not conforms the standard requirements so I want to move the current environment to the shiny new server. I've red a lot a...

Exporting a single project from SVN repository

I'm storing several projects under the same SVN repository. I've followed the manual and did this: I svnadmin dump c:\repository | svndumpfilter include > myproject.dump My problem is, svndumpfilter chokes with the error "Invalid copy source path" because we moved that particular project from branches back to another folder awhile ago....

Backup MySQL users

How do I backup MySQL users and their privileges? Anything like mysqldump? I am looking for something like mysqldump -d -u root -p MyTable > Schema.sql ...

Dependency graph of Visual Studio projects

I'm currently migrating a big solution (~70 projects) from VS 2005 + .NET 2.0 to VS 2008 + .NET 3.5. Currently I have VS 2008 + .NET 2.0. The problem is that I need to move projects one by one to new .NET framework ensuring that no .NET 2.0 project references .NET 3.5 project. Is there any tool that would give me a nice graph of project...

Should I migrate from Ant to Maven?

I am working on a fairly large project (with a number of modules, a bunch of external libraries etc.) and we are now considering switching from Ant to Maven. I understand the differences between the two, but I am not convinced that it is really worth spending time converting the project layout, setting up all the dependencies, teaching d...

How to implement LIMIT with Microsoft SQL Server?

I have this query with mysql : select * from table1 LIMIT 10,20 How can I do this with Microsoft sql ? ...

Time management - no documentation provided

My situation: I recently migrated my company's old ordering system to a new one I developed for them. It had to be backwards compatible and work with the existing database structure until the migration was finally completed. Now that the migration is partially complete, I would like to redesign the database, but I find myself almost 100%...

Using Oracle Database Migration Verifier

Has anyone ever used Oracle Database Migration Verifier tool (DMV)? It's a tool to analyze the source database and compare it against the migrated Oracle database. I have installed the JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server. Then, I have edited the property file and run the command java -jar dmv.jar PropertiesFilePath ReportStorePath, w...

Is it possible to rename an index using a rails migration?

I know that there is a rename_column transformation, but it seems that rename_index does not exist. Do I have to use remove_index and add_index instead? ...

Rails: Is it bad to have an irreversible migration?

When is it acceptable to raise an ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration exception in the self.down method of a migration? When should you take the effort to actually implement the reverse of the migration? ...

Efficient update of MySQL table from SQL Server

We have a MySQL database (mostly read-only, so MyISAM tables) living in the data center that talks to a SQL Server DB living on-site. There is some significant latency in the WAN (upwards of 100ms); in about 6 months the SQL Server DBMS will be moving up to the data center (e.g. same gigabit LAN). In the MySQL DB, I have several thousan...