
Using a LGPL'ed library with my MIT/X11 licensed PHP script

Hi, After having read several posts regarding the inclusion of LGPL'ed libraries with software that is licensed under another license than GPL or LGPL, there is still one point that confuses me. The way I understand it, there should normally be no problem to include the .php-files (and the README and the LICENSE files) in my distributi...

MIT GPL Dual-license in commercial software

I know that the MIT and GPL licenses are 'compatible', and so I can use them together in a project. I also know that GPL allows you to sell software, but requires that the source code be available on request. I believe the MIT license does not require this. If I plan on using code that is dual licensed under MIT and GPL, how does this...

Need help with an assignment from the MIT opencourse. Calculating prime numbers.

So, I have a very shotty background in programing and I have, for a very long time, attempted to learn through various lessons, though, no matter how good the lesson or tutorial is said to be, it always loses me at some point. For example the CarlH lectures lost me at around unit 5 part 1 and 2 where it jumped the shark and neglected to ...

Should I use MIT license or GPL for first OSS release?

I am going to be releasing something I recently created, and wanted to have the most flexibility. All I really want is attribution, but I also want the flexibility to change it later if I want - not that I will, but would rather have the option than not having it. Which should I chose? Also, do I have to do anything like submit it to ...

How long does GPL Copyright last?

How long from when the code is 1st written or distributed, until GPL Copyrighted material falls into public domain, in the United States? I'm guessing 120 years, but I'm not a lawyer. Also how has this(GPL'ed software copyright duration) changed if any over the years? Please Elaborate and Clarify my understanding. ...