
How do I efficiently segment 2D images into regions/blobs of similar values?

How do I segment a 2D image into blobs of similar values efficiently? The given input is a n array of integer, which includes hue for non-gray pixels and brightness of gray pixels. I am writing a virtual mobile robot using Java, and I am using segmentation to analyze the map and also the image from the camera. This is a well-known probl...

Robotics Simulator

Which is the best robotics simulator ? Player Project (#) (simulator + control interface) Microsoft Robotics Studio (simulator + control interface) KiKS (in Matlab, only for Khepera + control interface) MobotSim (for point like robots, more of algorithm implementation ) ROS (currently the largest integration of such platforms) URB...

Potential field method : Real Robots

Potential field method is a very popular simulation for Robot Navigation. However, has anyone implemented Potential field method on real robots ? Any reference or any claim of using the method in real robots ?. ...