I would like to rewrite /anything.anyextension into /?post=anything.
/this-is-a-post.php into /?post=this-is-a-post or
/this-is-a-post.html into /?post=this-is-a-post or even
/this-is-a-post/ into /?post=this-is-a-post
I tried
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(|/|\.[a-z]{3,4})$ ?$1 [L]
but it doesn't work.
Any help appreciated.
Days later I asked about redirecting dynamic directories to index.php, and I got this code that works perfect (it's the only code I have in .htaccess):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) index.php
This translates urls like http://mydomain.example/dynamicdir/ to http:...
So basically I want users to be able to go to my website with a URL of something like /45678, instead of having to use /?p=45678, so really I just want to remove the variable name. I've tried using mod_rewrite, but it seems that is only for removing the name when the page is visited.
Thanks for the help,
Update: Here is the curre...
Hi all apache experts,
I have a problem adding a default rewrite php and html requests to my apache .htaccess.
The idea is to set up templates for the content on my site, specifying that the content in a folder uses a specific template. It works fine for html, image and other resources; requests are rewritten to the template nicely. Bu...
Hi, I would like to know how can I rewrite www.site.com?lang=lv&type=1&mode=2 into www.site.com/lv/1/2 using Apache mod_rewrite options.
I am not able to switch to pretty permalinks in WAMP. Changing to any form other than default gives 404 error.
I have switched on the rewrite_module in Apache. I googled the problem and found that following changes should be made to httpd.conf file. My httpd.conf file stands as
<Directory />
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
I am trying to rewrite
So I am using:
RewriteRule Hotties/?(.*) tagged.php?flag=parameter&page=$1
However the result I am getting is:
Which is the "1". I am not sure what is missing. Clearly the issue is with the (.) and the "=" but I am not sure wha...
Well I only have 2 things going on here
RewriteEngine on
#part 1. if testdir/something is typed in
# then go to testdir?id=something
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} home/testdir
RewriteRule home/testdir/(.*)$ /home/testdir?page=$1 [L]
#part 2. Send everything else to the homepage unless
# it is a file that exists, or if the re...
How to rewrite rule using mod_rewrite - so all links which starts with "/share/" like this one "www.domain.com/share/XXX/YYY/ZZ..." will be showed as emtpy page?
I tried this
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/share/(.*)
RewriteRule (.*) empty.html [L]
But it doesn't seem to work
Please help
I have two folders in httpdocs
I would like to redirect the entire domain to site_v2 but also to keep reference to this
so this would work
www.example.com -> gets into site_v2
www.example.com/site_v1/ -> gets into site_v1
www.example.com/site_v2/ -> gets into site_v2
How would be the htaccess directives for this ki...
Hi All:
I have a godaddy hosting account and having some problems with
routing. The files are under /cakephp under the default /html folder.
The full url is still showing instead of the desired www[dot]domain[dot]org
Please help.
The current setup
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /cakephp
RewriteRule ^$ ap...
This is probably going to seem a little strange but we are using
<Files "*">
ForceType application/x-httpd-php
Which of course forces all files to give html/php headers.. The reason I am doing this way is because were using a bunch of extention'less php files. I know there is plenty more efficient ways of doing this but my b...
I want to know if it's possible to create a GET form that has as action "search.php?what=bla bla" and in the url bar it shows "search/bla bla" . Then I can handle the search file and explode the search terms, but what is the rewrite rule?
.hello - i need to transform old url requests to fit into the new sites content;
ie 'art-consultancy' used to be 'consultancy' so how can i grab 'consultancy' urls and transform them into 'art-consultancy'
MY RULE if ^consultancy$ MAKE ^art-consultancy$ and continue to the rules below...
RewriteRule ^art-consultancy$ consultancy-02.ph...
RewriteRule ^foo-bar-([0-9]+)-([a-z]+)-([a-z-+]+)/$ index.php?a[]=&b=$1&c=$2&d=$3&e=$4&f=$5 [L,NC]
how could i put the last parameter from rule to not be required without to add two lines and in first one to remove it, then in second to remain..?
so, rule to be in one line but to have two option to acees url like:
How could i use a RewriteRule accesing a variable?
If i have:
SetEnv MY_VAR (a|b|c)
RewriteRule ^%{ENV:MY_VAR}$ index.php?s=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^%{ENV:MY_VAR}-some-one$ index.php?s=$1 [L,QSA]
I have these examples but doesn`t work.
Later edit
Ok Tim, thank you for the answer. Let say that i have:
RewriteRule ^(skoda|bmw|merce...
I'm working on a simple shopping cart. When the user clicks checkout the URL changes from HTTP to HTTPS. Unfortunately the session does not appear to carry over and I get errors about $_SESSION['cart'] (where I hold the info) not existing.
I tried using mod_rewrite to redirect all HTTP to HTTPS so that the session would all be on H...
I found out that you cannot use a RewriteCond backreference as a pattern condition in the next Rewrite Cond...
What I have looks right, but Tim is correct in the comment bellow... This is still passing when we are beyond the expiration date saved in the cookie.
Any ideas on how to actually test the value instead of the existence?
Hello everyone,
I want to :
- switch from http to https if http is used
- redirect the subdomain to index?o=subdomain except www
- redirection the subdirectory to index?u=user
Example :
http://www.mydomain.com will be redirected to https://www.mydomain.com
http://subdomain.mydomain.com will be redirected to https://www.mydomain.com/in...
Hello I need help with .htaccess
I was using RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/unsubscribe(/.*)?$ [NC] that to make a folder load without affecting of RewriteRule ^([0-9]+) view.php?id=$1 [NC]
I want rewrite the rule to make a folder independent without doing of other rules into that folder
Current code to do so is : RewriteCond %{REQUE...