
How can I get the assembly last modified date?

I want to render (for internal debugging/info) the last modified date of an assembly, so I know when was a certain website deployed. Is it possible to get it though reflection? I get the version like this, I'm looking for something similar: Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); ie: I don't want to open the ph...

How could file size change without 'date modified' getting changed?

I was puzzled seeing this. My vmware virtual machine was running and I was monitoring the size of the virtual disk file. The size of the file kept increasing but 'last modified' date remained unchanged. How is this possible? Confused. My host OS is windows vista and guest (which I guess doesn't matter) is Linux. ...

Fluent NHibernate ModifiedDate Version Convention

Hi, I am trying to create a fluent Nhibernate automap convention for all the modifiedDate property of my application where it should set the value to get the current date during UPDATE. I am trying the following and its not working. I want the SQL server to update the date. Please advice. public class ModifiedDateVersionConvention : IVe...