
Segmentation Error in Rails

Hi, I am working on Windows XP machine. I have started to create an application in rails but I am getting Segmentation fault error. Below are the ruby & rails version I am using. C:\Ruby>ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32] C:\Ruby>rails -v Rails 2.3.8 When ever I run the server, I am getting this error. C...

how do i use xsendifle module Apache+mongrel

Hii All, i loaded in apche , i added few line in httpd.conf files LoadModule xsendfile_module modules/ XSendFile on XSendFileAllowAbove on ServerName src DocumentRoot C:/InstantRails-2.0-win/rails_apps/src/public/ ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/ ProxyPassReverse same as above ...

Rails not working with Safari

Hi, I'm trying to learn some basics of Ruby on Rails and encountered a problem : my Rails project seems to work fine with Firefox but nothing is shown with Safari? I also tried this with a new project : rails emptytest cd emptytest script/server Producing output: => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on http://0....

Server failure: BUG gc_sweep(): unknown data type 0x0

My server keeps crashing. It is especially bad in localized parts of my app where the rest is fine. On one major page it is now happening every time. I've spent over an hour cutting out parts of code, restarting the server and seeing where it fails (i.e. whenever any segment of content is inserted), but my code doesn't seem to be reasona...

Rails 3.0 Mongrel issue

Ok guys the truth is I'm working on porting an application up to as I cant afford my own servers yet. Either way I have been receiving this error in the mongrel.log and am getting no help as to what this error means or how to fix it. /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in ...

How do I delete mongrel temp files after completion of upload?

Hi all, In my rails application am uploading some large file(1 Gb),and when I go windows temp folder, mongrel temporary files are gathering there, but I would like these files to be deleted after upload completes. Could anyone tell me how do that?? This is my ruby version: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] ...

Ruby on Rails installation error on Ubuntu

Hi I am a newbie to rails. I just started learning Ubuntu, I am using version 10.04 especially to work on rails and use feedzirra in my college project. I am getting the following error. Could you please help. anergroup@ubuntu:~/ruby$ ruby -v ruby 1.8.8dev (2010-10-01) [i686-linux] anergroup@ubuntu:~/ruby$ rails -v Rails 2.3.8 The l...

Can only make one request to server without failure

Hey, I have a Rails application that lately is behaving very weird. If I start the server, I can do one successful request, but the next one ends with a failure (exactly the same request). This is not true for all pages, but for most with dynamic contents. When the failure occurs, I get this error: Processing StartpageController#index ...

Which version of rails to require a lesser version of RubyGems?

I'm unable to update RubyGems because of shared hosting, but can change versions of rails quite easily. I get the following error when I try to start mongrel: ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with production environment... Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.2 (you have 1.3.1). Please `gem update --system` an...

How to get mongrel working with bundler?

Transitioning to bundler with an existing production setup. Naively with a gemfile and setup like: gem "rails", "2.3.8" gem "mongrel", git: "" bundle install --path /mnt/app/shared/bundle Starting with bundle exec mongrel_rails start --environment=production ... results in /mnt/app/shared/bun...

ruby 1.8.7 mongrel 1.1.5 routing issue

I'm using Ruby 1.8.7 with rubyGems 1.3.7 and mongrel 1.1.5 and keep getting the following error. Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch # There is supposed to be a patch to fix this at but for when I add this to config/initializers my app fails to route the address correctly giving me an error from /config/ini...

Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #<NameError: uninitialized constant ActionController::CgiRequest

I'm getting the following error on log/mongrel.6001.log I'm using mongrel_cluster , rails 3 and ruby 1.8.7 I start mongrel_cluster using mongrel_rails cluster::start But when I try to access the page on browser I get the error bellow "Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch # Mon Oct 11 00:26:04 -0500 2010: Error calling Dispatcher.dispat...

Do I really need to setup a mongrel cluster to handle this ?

So my father runs a rather small business. I'm going to set him up with a website using RefineryCMS (that's a ror-based cms).. He will probably get less than 500 hits a month. Do I really need to set up mongrel cluster for this as about every tutorial on the web suggests? Does anyone some good reading material for setting up a simple, ...

Whats the maximum File size upload limlit in Internet explorer

Hi all, I would like to know whats Maximum Upload size in IE ,in my rails application am able to upload only upto 1.5GB ONLY uisng IE but using chrome am able to upload 10 gb without any fail ,Why it is so..I am running mongrel as server ...

Click testing on rails 2.3.10 site works under mod_passenger, selenium tests fail when running under mongrel. Why?

So I'm working on a large rails app that has a bunch of selenium tests. Running a local dev instance of the site (apache w/ mod_passenger) works fine, but when I run the selenium test suite I get a bunch of failures, particularly on re-directs. The HTTP response header comes back poorly formatted. Among other problems the Set-Cookie h...

Running Rails 3 application on windows as a service

I would like to switch to rails 3, but I think it is not doable at the moment. Currently I am running the following stack (which works ok for me): Windows XP (Service Pack 3, please don't laugh) Rails 2.3.5 Mongrel 1.1.5 Mongrel_service 0.3.4 Ruby 1.8.7, P249 I want to run two Rails apps as a service, so I don't need to think about s...

Rails Partial (Rails 3, HAML) arbitrarily slow

I'm using Rails 3.0.1, HAML 0.3.22, and Mongrel 1.1.5 (and MongoMapper not AR). I'm rendering a list, and each list item is it's own partial. Every time the page renders one of the list item partials takes almost 100X longer to render (and it is an arbitrarily different one each time. Also, needless to say, each item has essentially the ...

Problem running Mongrel with Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.2

I am new to programming (previously only did html/css/design) trying to start learning RoR via the book Simply Rails 2. However I want to start with the most recent versions of Ruby(1.9.2) and Rails (3) so I am forced to get everything configured without the book. I have looked a lot via google and on stackoverflow. When I run rails serv...

HOw do i configure apache to serve a php based application while apache is already running frontend to mongerl

Hi all, Am Running apache as a frontend to mongrel ,but i would like apche to server one more application that is based on php ,i would like to access tham at different time all my php pages are put in one folder ,so how do i achieve it this is how am running apache frontend to mongrel ServerName DocumentRoot...