
Mono dropping packets when receiving lots of multicast

I am creating a program that listens to video streams over multicast. Listening to one feed with Mono on Linux works fine but listening to 15 feeds drops packets. Running the code on Windows .NET does not drop packets and listening to the feeds with a C program on Linux does not drop packets. Is there something I could do to optimize thi...

C# bindings for MEEP (Photonic Simulation Package)

Does anyone know of a way to call MIT's Meep simulation package from C# (probably Mono, god help me). We're stuck with the #$@%#$^ CTL front-end, which is a productivity killer. Some other apps that we're integrating into our sim pipeline are in C# (.NET). I've seen a Python interface to Meep (light years ahead of CTL), but I'd like to...

Do OS X applications written in Mono have the same features as MonoTouch?

What I mean by this is: MonoTouch integrates and binds to Interface Builder and the full Cocoa Framework. MonoTouch applications compile with the runtime, so there is no JIT, and no runtime needs to be present on the host OS. Can OS X applications written in Mono take advantage of these MonoTouch features? ...

MySQL Connector with mod_mono and mono 2.6.7

I've been having quite a bit of trouble getting an MVC2 web application to find the MySQL connector. I am running CentOS 5. I've installed the DLL into the GAC using the 2.0 version of the tool $ mono /usr/local/lib/mono/2.0/gacutil.exe -i v2/ Installed v2/ into the gac (/usr/local/lib/mono/gac) I verify t...

Compiling F# code on Mono 2.8

I've been trying to compile some F# code with Mono 2.8 in OpenSuSe 11.3. And I keep running into trouble, I'm currently getting this error thrown at me: parameter error FS0219: The referenced or default base CLI library 'mscorlib' is binary-incompatible with the referenced F# core library '/home/fredrik/Documents/ FSharp-

Get reference to variable from FieldInfo

I am working on a project where a field name from XML is loaded and the field with that name is returned and added to the current object. The problem is that FieldInfo.GetValue seems to return the current value of the field, not a reference. Is there any way to get around this? ...

Assembly from GAC is not listed in Monodevelop's Edit References dialog

I am trying to port a small console application from Windows/.NET to Ubuntu/Mono. I have problems to add a reference to the mono version of NLog, which I added to the GAC. Adding NLog.dll to the assembly was confirmed: Installed NLog.dll into the gac (/usr/lib/mono/gac) I also find it in the GAC under: /usr/lib/mono/gac/NLog/

Use Mono Runtime instead of Microsoft's on Windows for Monodevelop

Even though I set Mono to the default .NET Runtime on Windows, it insists on using Microsoft .NET framework. Can Monodevelop be configured to use the mono runtime as the runtime environment to execute itself? How and where do I configure this setting? ...

How is the Mono.Cairo performance like?

I was thinking of using Mono.Cairo as the foundation for a light weight CAD system. But wasn't sure what the performance was like. CAD systems produce a lot of redraws and can have a lot of data in them, with a ton of text. If not Cairo then any other suggestions is welcomed. I want the app to run on Windows, Mac and Linux. ...

Choosing a cross-platform library for PDF rendering and analysis app (preferably using C#)

I am planning to write an app that can open and display PDF documents, and perform OCR on vector graphic elements within the PDFs. The user must be able to select regions of the document and I need to draw real-time annotations on the document. I don't need to alter or save the document itself. I have plenty of experience with C# and WP...

Visual Studio C# projects: how to place conditional references in .csproj?

Hello, I'm working on an open source project (Logbus-ng), and I need to implement a web service spawned by a console application in a way that works both on Windows and Mono. Currently, thanks to the tutorial by MSDN Magazine, I succeeded in doing this on Windows. A console application can spawn its own web server and actually open a we...

PrintUnixDialog and mono

Hi, I'm new to Mono and I do not understand how this dialog and the PageSetupUnixDialog work I have searched it on google for hours but i havn't found anything So if you know a good tutorial please post the link, or if you hava a sample I hope my english is not too bad, so Thanks in advance ...

nmapi parsing pst files

is any sample how to parse pst files? official site has nothing ...

Monodevelop on OS X and Displaying UTF-8

Two Questions Does using Copy or paste cause monodevelop to crash, or is it just me? If you have Monodevelop installed, please can you test this, I fount that both shortcuts and from the menus cause it to crash. I seem unable to find information about this on google, though would personally consider this quite a major bug. How can UTF-...

How to map a custom file extension to mono?

I have mapped *.xyz extension to my own custom handler in and can run it on Windows How can I do the same thing on mono (Linux/Apache - ubuntu)? I have this in my web.config: <httpHandlers><add path=".xyz" verb="" type="MyCustomHandler,..."/>... I also added similar things to mod_mono.conf and several other files but...

Design for remote debugging and status checking

I have an application that runs on a headless linux box (a SheevaPlug, to be precise). (It collects data from a weather station and sends it to a database, in case you're wondering.) I'm having a hard time debugging problems with the application because I can only SSH into the box or view it on the network (thanks to Samba). I could log...

Cannot access a Linux gcc compiled .so shared library from Windows Mono C# Project

Here's the setup: I've got a shared library (c++ with extern "C" methods) I've compiled in linux and created a file. I've used Mono Develop on the same box (Ubuntu) and was able to DLLImport("") and access my extern functions no problem. The problem comes in when I copied that .so file to a windows machine (Win7) ...

ORM that supports Mono?

Hi, I'm starting up a rather large-scale open source server project written in C# which targets both the MS.NET and Mono platforms. However, I realized that Mono only has limited support for LINQ to SQL, and no support for the Entity Framework at all. Two ORMs I have considered are NHibernate and SubSonic. However, I have no idea how e...

What is going on here? (.Net) GC.CollectionCount(0) keeps increasing.

While testing application performance, I came across some pretty strange GC behavior. In short, the GC runs even on an empty program without runtime allocations! The following application demonstrates the issue: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Program { // Preallocate strings to avoid runtime allocatio...

What GUI toolkit should I use

I have a C# application. Currently all modules are written in .NET 2 and it uses some executables that have linux ports. So I was wondering what toolkit should I use on Windows and MacOS to compile it max easy on both? On Windows Some guys told me that on Windows I can use WinForms, but on Mac I must use MonoMac, but the transition is ha...