
How to embed flash in Mono?

Is it possible to embed flash in a mono Application? Preferably would be similar to the way it can be embedded as an ActiveX control in .Net, but anything where somehow the flash commands could bubble up to the Mono application would be fine. I had assumed that it would be possible to use the web browser to see flash, however I canno...

Cost of using ASP.NET

One thing that I keep hearing in reference to ASP.NET and MSFT technologies is that they cost money to use. Often when they are being compared to open source languages someone will mention that one factor in favor of open source is that it's free (to an extent). My question is, when does ASP.NET actually cost money to use in terms of u...

GTK# mouse event in drawing area

I have a DrawingArea which I would like to received mouse events. From the tutorials I have found that the KeyPressEvent will also catch mouse events. However for the following code the handler is never called. static void Main () { Application.Init (); Gtk.Window w = new Gtk.Window (""); DrawingArea a = new CairoGraphic ()...

The State of Linkers for .NET apps (aka "Please Sir, May I have a Linker" 2009 edition)

Many people here are probably familiar with one of Joel Spolsky most popular blog posts, Please Sir, May I Have a Linker, where he cries out for a way to remove dependencies on the .NET framework so a stand-alone application can be developed and sold. Jason Zander of the Visual Studio development team, at the time, replied with his view...

ASP.NET mvc on mono 2.2

Hi, I am having a trouble. I am trying to run mvc 1.0 on mono 2.2.I have copied the system.web.mvc.dll to bin directory. I have done HttpContext.Current.RewritePath("/Home/Index");. Still I am having te error: Server Error in '/' Application The incoming request does not match any route Description: HTTP 500. Error processing r...

ASP.NET Page Designer for Linux

Is there a simple, yet decent .aspx designer that runs on Linux? I've since all the ones in this question but none satisfied the "runs on Linux" condition. By decent, I mean that the designer allow me drop webcontrols on a webpages for futher use in Monodevelop. ...


Hi, what steps should I perform in order to run mvc 1.0 web application on mono? ...

Ajax on Mono

Do you guys know about an ajax toolkit (or something similar to the m$-ajaxtoolkit) for mono?? ...

ASP.NET MVC 1.0 + Mono 2.4

Trying to get MVC running on Mono 2.4 (which is possible, according to some threads here) without much luck. I can't get past this: Compilation Error Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error. Compiler Error Message: : ** (/usr/local/lib/mono/2.0/g...

mono for emdedded

I'm C# developer, I'm interested in embedded development for chips like MSP430. Please suggest me some tool and tutorials. Mono framework is very powerful and customizable, mono specific examples will be more helpful. ...

Hello OS with C# & mono?

Is there a way to identify in which OS we are running mono, with C# code? Some sort of Hello World, but instead of using a fixed string as an output use the current OS? ...

System calls from .NET to mono

I'm trying to make an external system call using mono. I'd like to know if it's possible to emulate something like the example below (Of course I'm looking for cross platform support). public static int ExecuteExternalApp() { int ExitCode = -1; Process Process = new Process(); ; ...

Open source managed programming languages

Are there any good, portable, open-source, high-level, statically-typed, imperative, object-oriented, garbage collected, safe languages/runtimes with reasonable performance besides Mono and Java? Mono is nice, but it is a Microsoft technology, and I'm kind of afraid of using it (I'm not sure how rational this fear is). The problem with J...

Apache and mod_mono not playing well together

I'm trying to get Mono to work on CentOS 5, however haven't had much success so far. This is what I did: > yum install mono-web > yum install xsp > yum install mod_mono > echo ":CLR:M::MZ::/usr/bin/mono:" > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register Ensured that the following line is present in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Include conf.d/*.con...

Mono 2.4, AutoHosting and MVC

Can mod_mono's AutoHosting be modified to support ASP.NET? ATM it doesn't really work: Link. / works, but the runtime ignores Global.asax altogether and doesn't follow the routing conventions. ...

Why does the compiler require convoluted syntax for this?

Or, "am I doing it wrong"? I am writing a small function that will return a string, quoted (as quoted-printable) if necessary, otherwise it returns it as is. A character is input into the function; the result is a string. What I tried to do at first was: private string QuotedChar(char ch) { if(ch < (char)128 && !char.IsWhiteSpace...

Mono 2.4 error: ' Feature `generics' is not available in Mono mcs1 compiler. Consider using the `gmcs' compiler instead'

Installed Mono 2.4 on Ubuntu using the instructions here: When I run xsp and try to run http module (, I get the following errors: Compilation Error Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this request. Review your source fi...

Linux, Mono, shared libs and unresolved symbols

I have a shim library (shared, C++) which calls functions in another shared library (libexif) and presents a simple interface to C# for Platform Invoke calls. (That is, a C# program uses PInvoke to call my custom shared library which in turn calls another shared library.) In Windows, my custom shared library links to the shared library ...

Reading/writing from named pipes under mono/Linux

I would like to read/write from a named pipe/FIFo queue under Linux. I have tried the standard classes StreamWriter and other classes from System.IO, but it fails because it is using seek. Has anyone ever written/read from a named pipe using Mono?. I am managing to read and write - but not the same time... ...

Which Linux distribution is best for developing a Mono application in a virtual machine?

I've been a Windows user since forever, and now I need Linux to create an application using Mono. Which Linux distribution is best for me? I will us it in a virtual machine. ...