
static class and singleton

Isn't a class with all static members/methods a kind of singleton design pattern? Is there any disadvantage in particular of having such classes? A detailed explanation would help. ...

Is this a proper MonoState Design?

I have a Person Class and based on some help I recieved in this post. I have a CurrentPerson class around(??) it and I access the data thru that. I think I understand how this is supposed to work but it seems that I don't have it quite right....

Python Deprecation Warnings with Monostate __new__ -- Can someone explain why?

Hi all, I have a basic Monostate with Python 2.6. class Borg(object): __shared_state = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): self = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = cls.__shared_state return self def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): noSend = kwargs.get("noSend", False) ...