
Convert from upper to lower in Ms DOS

Is there any command to convert from upper case to lower case. I would like to convert windows system variable %USERNAME% to lower case in a single command.I am not using NT. Thanks in advance ...

Can I retrieve the TITLE of an MS-DOS window using

Using the below code, I can retrieve the image name and process ID of the DOS command window on a remote machine, but can I also retrieve the DOS window title? Dim current As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess() Dim processes As Process() = Process.GetProcesses("REMOTE_COMPUTER") Dim ThisProcess As Process For Each Thi...

What are the Best Practices regarding error codes returned by a Console application?

In c# you can return an integer to the underlying caller using Environment.Exit(n) (which can be tested, for instance, using the ERRORLEVEL variable from a DOS script). Are there best practices regarding those codes? I think 0 = no error... but are there numbers reserved? Can I use negative numbers? etc Thanks! ...

Can anyone recommend a good book about CP/M and DOS programming history?

I am looking for a good book on 8 bit and 16 bit personal computer history, focussing on CP/M80, CP/M86, and MS-DOS from a programming point of view. In particular it should cover the development of CP/M, memory addressing and executable file format, bank switching and how to do that, MS-DOS and 16 bit 8086/8088 CPUs, and EMS using exte...

return a value from a script

I am calling a batch file inside a nant script and would like to get the value ( a string of 5 characters) return back to the nant script and continue the nant script. Please suggest how this can be done. Thanks in advance. ...

PHP UTF-8 to MSDOS command line encoding

Everything is in the question : I have a Php script that is a UTF-8 file. In this script I want to do this : <? echo "âêïû\n"; ?> If I run it in a MSDOS prompt I get this : C:\php>php -c C:\WINDOWS\php.ini -f mysqldump.php ├ó├¬├»├╗ C:\php> I've not been able to find the right conversion scheme. I've tried also this code : $t...

Lynx removes newline characters from post_data input

I am trying to post a file to a URL via the MS-DOS command prompt. I am using the Lynx browser to do this. I am able to post my file just fine, but all of the newline characters are removed by Lynx before creating the POST request. Is it possible to post a file via command line without having the newline characters removed? The comma...

Help writing DOS script to get get name of the most recent directory (time created)

Hey Guys, I need some help in getting the name of the most recent directory in a DOS script. I have found some information on getting the most recent file which works but I cannot get this to work on directories. For example,Here is my directory: drwxr-xr-x 2 usrpm Domain Users 0 Jun 29 10:34 _200903_V20 drwxr-xr-x 2 usrpm Domain ...

DOS Database - help needed to recognize what is it

Hello, today I got a copy of an old system from which I need to import data. The system is written in C and runs in DOS. It uses some kind of database. The file format seems to be rather simple(1 file = 1 table, header contains some description and then records, fields are delimited by 0 ASCII character, but it's not that simple as it se...

Help with DOS script (grab specific data from a file)

Hey Guys, I need to grab just the md5 value from a file and make it a variable which I can use to compare to another md5 value. The problem is this file looks like this: a7393f772e34ca16a5854e80d9ec6704 md5 How do I open the file and only grab the actual number in DOS? (Not the "md5" And set it as a variable? Thanks! ...

Dos/Windows Batch help in setting a variable from command output

I need to run a simple find command and redirect the output to a variable in a Windows Batch File/DOS. I have tried this: set file=ls|find ".txt" echo %file% But it does not work. If I run this command it works without problems: set file=test.txt echo %file% So obviously my command output is not being set to my variable. Can any...

Visual Studios 2008: Project output .com file

Is there a way for Visual Studios 2008 to create a .com file instead of .exe for a console project? Right now I have to do this: if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug goto :debug :release copy ProjectNameConsole.exe goto :exit :debug :exit And then for the installer I have to add the copied .com object instead of adding...

Batch File to Delete Folders

I found some code to delete folders, in this case deleting all but 'n' # of folders. I created 10 test folders, plus 1 that was already there. I want to delete all but 4. The code works, it leaves 4 of my test folders, except that it also leaves the other folder. Is there some attribute of the other folder that's getting checked in the b...

GUI paradigm history

hi there I know that Apple and Microsoft were inspired by Xerox PARC in building the GUI, but my question is: from the hardware point of view, which was the switch to GUI become available? I remember that I've read somewhere about OS running on 80KB at that time. Can you explain me(give some links) about what was necessary from the hard...

Compilers for DOS32?

Where can I get BASIC and C/C++ Compilers for MS-DOS? ...

User Input - DOS batch file

I get a bat file as below: @ECHO Executing scripts... PAUSE for %%X in (*.SQL) do SQLCMD -S localhost -d CTL -I -i "%%X" >> ResultScript.txt pause In this I want to has user inputs for localhost (Sql server instance) and CTL (database). How can this be achieved in DOS (os: WinXP) Thanks ...

Remove / in text file with using DOS script

Hello, I want to create .bat application that read into text file, find / and remove it. FROM PPD/HQ ALLEN/BRAD/MR change to:- FROM PPD HQ ALLEN BRAD MR Eliminate the / and save in other text file will be just fine. I'm a newbie and help me to enter DOS world. Thnx! ...

Long commands split over multiple lines in Windows with quotes

Using the caret to split lines, dir ^ *.bat ^ /w works as expected, but dir ^ "*.bat" ^ won't let me enter the "/w". I guess the caret does not work after a double quote. Is this a bug? Or if this is a feature, what is it's use and how can I get around it? ...

dos: find a string, if found then run another script

Hi, I want to find a string in a file using dos. e.g. find "string" status.txt And when it has found it, i was to run a batch file (like an if-else statement). How can I do it? Regards Manjot ...

copy list of files in a folder to another folder

Hi, I have a folder with approx 10000 images, and I need to copy about 500 of them to another folder. If I create a list of the files I want to copy, how could I copy the files the files? Was thinking vbscript or is it possible thorough DOS commands such as Xcopy using switches? Thanks, ...