
What are the best ways to determine what port an application is using?

This is an adapted version of a question from someone in my office. She's trying to determine how to tell what ports MSDE is running on for an application we have in the field. Answers to that narrower question would be greatly appreciated. I'm also interested in a broader answer that could be applied to any networked applications. ...

Upgrade MSDE to SQL Server 2008

I am trying to upgrade an named instance of MSDE to SQL Server 2008 Express. When I get to the "Select Features" page of the 2008 installer there are no instances listed. The upgrade to SQL Server 2005 Express (on the same VM image) however works fine. It seems to be a supported scenario (

Is MSDE supported on Windows Server 2008?

I know MSDE is no longer supported on Vista, is this also the case for Windows Server 2008? ...

MSDE merge replication with Intel Atom processor

We have a product that by default installs MSDE SP3 for use with merge replication (as subscriber). We have never had a problem with this. Recently found that on the Eee PC everything installs without incident, which includes applying the latest snapshot; however, when we try to pull down data to the Eee PC from the Publisher it takes ...

Querying data from multiple clustered tables as one unified

Hello, I've recently started work on a project which involves creating a web-based reporting interface for a fairly old software responsible for managing some access control hardware like electronic door locks for example. I have chosen CakePHP for the task and all it involves is querying the database for the log records and displaying ...

Cannot access WSS 3.0 sites after movind Content and Config DBs

Problem: No access to internal sites after new Instance of SQL was installed on MS SQL Server Description: I've got a WSS 3.0 installed on the W2K3 Sever. Originally, there was only one Instance of MS SQL (MSDE) for Backupexec (bkupexec). Later, we installed WSS 3.0 and instead of installing the new instance of SQL we installed on the...

MSDE backup file is appending

I have an MSDE 2000 database backup file which is appending rather than deleting or renaming. I am using this command: BACKUP DATABASE [SPSDB] TO DISK = 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\SPSbackup\spsdb.bak' with retaindays = 1 I am using a maintenance plan on my full SQL version databases, and they create a new file...

Can I use SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to an MSDE database?

Is it possible to use SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 to connect to an MSDE database? ...

Excessive reserved space on SQL Server

We have a database running under MSDE (SQL 2000, service pack 4) that is reserving massive amounts of excess space. Using sp_spaceused for each table gives a total reserved size of 2102560 KB, a data size of 364456 KB and an unused size of 1690760 KB (i.e. reserving nearly 4 times the used space). The worst culprits are tables that are f...

SQL query alignment change when Arabic characters are inserted

I have a query like this SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF SET DATEFORMAT 'mdy' INSERT INTO TABLE1 (AccountID, TimeStamp, UserID, NodeID, Deleted, UserPriority, ParentRecordID, NodeLevel, Name, NodeClass, DeviceID, DeviceType, SubTypeLevel) VALUES (0, "10/03/2002 02:33:39", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"XXXXXX",7000, 0, 0, 0`) When I replace ...

How to copy a MSDE database to SQL Server 2008 Express?

We have a client environment that has MSDE. We're looking to install SQL Server 2008 Express on the clients but must retain MSDE for other applications. Assuming both MSDE and SQL Server 2008 Express exist on a single machine what options are available to copy a database from MSDE to SQL Server 2008? Suppose that MSDE may or may not be...