
maven m2eclipse multi module project

I have a multi module maven project and the directory structure is hierarchical. Some modules have dependencies on others. I have added the dependent modules to the dependency section of the project's POM. However, in order to resolve those dependencies, I need to import the parent project, and select Project Properties > Maven and selec...

maven multi-module versioning

I have a multi-module project. parent POM (1.0-SNAPSHOT) |-- module1 (1.0-SNAPSHOT) |-- module2 (1.0-SNAPSHOT) `-- module3 (1.0-SNAPSHOT) When I execute mvn release:prepare it verify that parent POM has a SNAPSHOT version and all dependent modules don't have a SNAPSHOT version. How automatically update all child modules from SNAPSHO...

Maven2 applying filtering to the file under pom type packaging.

Hi all, I am new to maven. I want to use filtering in a multimodule project. The packaging type of the parent pom is set to pom. The structure of the project is as follows: pom.xml | |______MODULE1 | | | pom.xml | File1_needed_to_be_filtered | File2_needed_to_be_filtered Please note...

executing a script from maven inside a multi module project

Hi everyone. I have this multi-module project. In the beginning of each build I would like to run some bat file. So i did the following: <profile> <id>deploy-db</id> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactI...

Best Practices for Project Feature Sub-Modules with Mecurial and Eclipse?

I have a couple of ANT projects for several different clients; the directory structure I have for my projects looks like this: L___standard_workspace L___.hg L___validation_commons-sub-proj <- JS Library/Module | L___java | | L___jar | L___old_stuff | L___src | | L___css | | L___js ...

Problem with Eclipse and a Maven multi-module project

I have created a Maven project with the following structure: + root-project pom.xml (pom) + sub-projectA (jar) + sub-projectB (jar) I have done the following steps: mvn archetype:create – –DartifactId=root-project mvn archetype:create – –DartifactId=sub-projectA mvn archetype:create –Dg...

Do Maven Multi-Module and EAR play well together?

Today, I've been looking at Maven Multi-Module and EAR projects and they seem quite similar in that both seem to define an assembly of a collection of other projects - it almost seems like an EAR project should just be an alternate packaging for a multi-module project. Have I misunderstood something? Or do these types of project work to...

Can a multi-module m2eclipse/WTP project get utility modules deployed into WEB-INF/classes?

We currently use MyEclipse with its built-in Maven4MyEclipse integration and its built-in J2EE server support, but want to convert over to regular eclipse (Helios specifically) to be able to use its 64-bit install on windows. (MyEclipse does not yet support 64-bit on Windows.) So far I've got a working prototype of Helios eclipse using...

multi-modules project with maven is not working as expected?

Hi I am trying to create a multi-modules project in eclipse with m2eclipse. I followed some tutorials but the way it work is not what i expect: Here is the structure of my project -Root - webapps - module1 - module2 I have pom.xml for Root and modules. (module 1 and 2 are independent to each other) In t...

Multi-webapp Maven 2 project -- how to build a single webapp?

I have the following source layout: . ├── pom.xml ├── modules (has pom) │ ├── module1 (has pom) │ └── module2 (has pom) │ └── moduleN (has pom) └── webapp1 (has pom) └── webapp2 (has pom) webapp1 and webapp2 depends on all of the modules (the modules being DAO, services, etc). At the moment, I build everything from the root and...

Parent properties inside maven antrun plugin

There is a multi-module project. Inside the child I need to do some complicated stuff (integration test with deploying to application server and so on). So there is an integrationtest child, and from this module I need the root of the parent to reach other modules. I do not want to use "..". There is a property in integrationtest POM: <...

maven multi-module assembly

Hi, I have a multi-module maven project, and I'm trying to create an assembly for the project. The assembly should be a zip file, including all of the jars from the dependent projects as well as all of the resources from those projects (this is for legacy support reasons - I know this isn't a good practice, but in this case, we really c...