
Dealing with widows in a multicol environment

I have problems with dealing with widows within a multicols environment, that is, I have not managed to instruct LaTeX to remove the them. This PDF document shows an example of the problem. At the top of the second page, I get a widow from the last paragraph of the first page. I have tried a couple of approaches, without luck: setting...

Latex multicols. Can I group content so it won't split over cols and/or suggest colbreaks?

Hi. I'm trying to learn LaTeX. I've been googling this one for a couple days, but I don't speak enough LaTeX to be able to search for it effectively and what documentation I have found is either too simple or goes way over my head ( I have a document using the multicol package. (I'm ...

LaTeX - Proper vertical spacing on multi-line parboxes with multicols

I'm trying to get two-column typesetting working, with a list of items. However, that list has elements that are either one or two lines, i.e. Alpha Beta Zeta Alternative: Upsilon < (second line of the Zeta) Gamma Alternative: Lambda Epsilon Omega Omicron Alternative: Upsilon ... I'd like to have this list on two column...