
[C#,.Net,Windows] Does start the same thread possible? (Thread create=>Thread Start=>Thread Finish computation=>Start the same thread with other data again))

Hi, everybody I have a some computation program. Now, this program is a single-thread, I need to enhance it to do it multi-thread. In general, program computes, dynamic evolution of thermal circuit (Some configured types of different involved elements (Tube, Pump, Active zone, and its connection), for each of it for every time step progr...

Understanding wait()

I created this silly program to play with wait() public class WaitTest { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.print("1 "); synchronized(args){ System.out.print("2 "); try { args.wait(); args.notifyAll(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ System.out.pri...

Questions about threads, their stacks, and Exception handling

Given this code: public class TwoThreads { static Thread laurel, hardy; public static void main(String[] args) { laurel = new Thread() { public void run() { System.out.println("A"); try { hardy.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { ...

correct way to pass service layer to threads

my service layer methods are transactional, when i use ExecutorService and submit task to threads, i cannot pass servicelayer as parameter to each threads, as i get error Dec 14, 2009 10:40:18 AM run SEVERE: null org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hiberna...

Tools for implementing a watchdog timer in python

I'm writing some code for testing multithreaded programs (student homework--likely buggy), and want to be able to detect when they deadlock. When running properly, the programs regularly produce output to stdout, so that makes it fairly straightforward: if no output for X seconds, kill it and report deadlock. Here's the function protot...

ReaderWriterLockSection: A bad idea?

In writing some threaded code, I've been using the ReaderWriterLockSlim class to handle synchronized access to variables. Doing this, I noticed I was always writing try-finally blocks, the same for each method and property. Seeing an opportunity to avoid repeating myself and encapsulate this behaviour I built a class, ReaderWriterLockSe...

Calling static functions from a thread in java?

Lets say I have a class like this in Java: public class Function { public static int foo(int n) { return n+1; } } What happens if I call the foo method like this from a thread? x =; Can I do that with two threads, without them waiting for each other? Let's say that foo takes a while, and that it gets...

Boost (v1.33.1) Thread Interruption

How can I interrupt a sleeping/blocked boost::thread? I am using Boost v1.33.1, upgrading is not an option. Thank you. ...

how to instantiate C# TraceSources to log (multithreaded) ASP.NET 2.0 Web application (asmx ws)?

None of the examples on TraceSource I found addresses multithreading. I create new instance of a class (SyncService) to serve a incoming request. When there is lots of activity there is multiple threads that need to use this TraceSource to log activities. How should I use this class for logging with performance and thread safety in mind?...

C++ Data Timeout with Blocking Call

I have a main loop which is fully data-driven: it has a blocking call to receive data and stores it as the 'most recent' (accessed elsewhere). Each piece of data has an associated lifespan, after which the data timesout and can no longer be considered valid. Each time I receive data I reset the timeout. Unfortunately I can currently onl...

Does the String pool take local variables?

I believed the String pool abandoned local Strings when their methods completed Yet: public class TestPool implements Runnable{ /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public void run() { String str= "hello"; synchronized(str){ try { System.out.print(Thread.current...

Concurrency, object visibility

I'm trying to figure out if the code below suffers from any potential concurrency issues. Specifically, the issue of visibility related to volatile variables. Volatile is defined as: The value of this variable will never be cached thread-locally: all reads and writes will go straight to "main memory" public static void main(String [] ar...

c# dataGridView random cells location change (Edit: Inter Process Synchronization?)

Hi, I have a dataGridView displaying data from DataView based on DataTable. DataTable is updated with high frequency from a background thread (usually one row a time) but with varying regularity, i.e. sometimes time between updates is 0.5 ms, other few miliseconds. As datagridview is bound to DataView, I do not send requests for refresh ...

How many Ruby threads is too many?

I'm coding a Merb application which uses a combination of SimpleDB and Tokyo Tyrant for storage. For both of these data stores I'm implementing IN (list) type-functionality by spinning up a thread for each value in list and then merging the result sets. Bearing in mind that this is a web application, is there a limit to the number of thr...

Advice on starting a large multi-threaded programming project

My company currently runs a third-party simulation program (natural catastrophe risk modeling) that sucks up gigabytes of data off a disk and then crunches for several days to produce results. I will soon be asked to rewrite this as a multi-threaded app so that it runs in hours instead of days. I expect to have about 6 months to complete...

Understanding the scope of this variables and the behavior of this thread (edited question)

The following thread is made to run unpredictably. Sometimes it may print ABC and others 123. I don't get why it's able to print ABC. Please explain its flow of execution. public class ArrayDeclaration implements Runnable { String [] s; public ArrayDeclaration (String []s){ this.s=s; } public void run() { ...

How to implement time event scheduler in python?

In python how to implement a thread which runs in the background (may be when the module loads) and calls the function every minute Monday to Friday 10 AM to 3 PM. For example the function should be called at: 10:01 AM 10:02 AM 10:03 AM . . 2:59 PM Any pointers? Environment: Django Thanks ...

What shall I do while waiting in a thread.

I have a main program which creates a collection of N child threads to perform some calculations. Each child is going to be fully occupied on their tasks from the moment their threads are created till the moment they have finished. The main program will also create a special (N+1)th thread which has some intermittent tasks to perform. Wh...

Java: Difference in usage between Thread.interrupted() and Thread.isInterrupted()?

Java question: As far as I know, there are two ways to check inside a thread whether the thread received an interrupt signal, Thread.interrupted() and Thread.isInterrupted(), and the only difference between them is that the former resets the internal interrupted flag. So far, I've always used Thread.isInterrupted() and never had any pro...

Mutex in JNI using Foundation NSLock

I have some objective-c code that uses an NSLock to implement a sort of transaction. The object is locked on a "begin transaction", several other calls are made with the lock in place, and then it's released with a "commit". I'm writing a JNI glue layer to access this code from Java, but the lock is behaving differently in JNI vs pure ...