
make `SetWindowsHookEx` call functions in my thread context

In order to use SetWindowsHookEx in a GUI application, you usually want in the bottom line to have a function in your thread called whenever an event has occurred. So for instance if I'm making a software to show all keys being pressed on the system, I want that somehow my GUI app will have the function AddKeyToList(int vkeycode) called...

Stopping work from one thread using another thread

Not sure if my title is worded well, but whatever :) I have two threads: the main thread with the work that needs to be done, and a worker thread that contains a form with a progress bar and a cancel button. In normal code, it would be the other way around, but I can't do that in this case. When the user clicks the cancel button, a pro...

Python multiprocessing/threading with shared variables that only will be read

Considering the code below. I would like to run 3 experiments at a time. The experiments are independent, the only thing they share is the Model object which they only read. As there are seemingly no hard things in threading this out, how can I best do this in Python? I would like to use a pool or so to make sure that only three experim...

BlockingCollection class: Does thread yield if Take blocks?

MSDN said that BlockingCollection.Take call blocks if there is no elements in it. Does it mean the thread will yield the timeslice and go to the waiting threads queue? If yes does it mean that the thread will change its state to Ready once the blocking collection received an item and then will be scheduled to next timeslice as per usual... how does it deal with multiple connections?

When you use to handle incoming restful/soap requests, will it generate a thread for each request? or will I have handle threads myself? I've been trying to work this out for a couple of days now. The documentation hints on threads, but there is nothing specific about this. Doco says: An Executor may be ...

Prevent cars in a 4 way junction from crashing in java

Hi, I have made a java application of a 4 way junction. I can to move all the cars across the junction using THread.sleep() but I need to make the cars not crash into one another. (See diagram) What should I use ? Synchronization wait()/notify()/notifyAll() ThreadPanels Canvas (btw what is Canvas and its purpose ?) I have used l...

converting program to Multithreading, taking advantage of multicore cpu

Hello ! i have a simple program with one procedure. Procedure TForm1.btnKeywrdTransClick(Sender: TObject); Var i, ii : integer; ch_word, zword, uy_word: widestring; Begin TntListBox1.items.LoadFromFile('d:\new folder\chh.txt'); //Chinese TntListBox2.items.LoadFromFile('d:\new folder\uyy.txt'); //Uyword TntListBox...

java desktop application - JList selection change does not update the interface

As I said, i have a java desktop application. The interface contains a JList and I modify the content of this list in some custom listeners that i implemented. One of the listeners iterates through all the items in the list and performs some operations that may take a while. I would like to show the user the item that I am currently at....

Handler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delay) not working correctly

I have defined a splashscreen to be shown during loading. But depending on the internet connection it can takes only 600ms to load or sometimes 5000ms. So i defined that the splashscreen is at least shown 3000ms so that the user is not irritated by flackering screen. I define the start of the splashscreen the following way: private vo...

One thread reading and another writing to volatile variable - thread-safe?

In C I have a pointer that is declared volatile and initialized null. void* volatile pvoid; Thread 1 is occasionally reading the pointer value to check if it is non-null. Thread 1 will not set the value of the pointer. Thread 2 will set the value of a pointer just once. I believe I can get away without using a mutex or condition ...

How to check any thread is working currently

I know there is one for multi processes waitpid(-1,WNOHANG,NULL) that is non-blocking function call to check if there is any child process currently working on But is there any similar lib function to check for multithread? All i want to do is check if there is any thread currently on, if not reset some global values. ...

How do I make TcpClient stop in a thread?

I've a thread that runs following tcpConnect method. I wish to stop it at any given time by setting Program.PrepareExit to true. However my program is stuck at: Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); and doesn't really react to Program.PrepareExit set to true. How can i make it to always quit when I tell it so? public stat...

AsyncTask threads never die (Android)

Hey everyone! I'm new to Android programming and I'm using AsyncTasks to fetch data in response to the user pressing a button. This works well and keeps the interface responsive while fetching the data, but when I checked out what was going on in the Eclipse debugger, I found out that every time a new AsyncTask was created (which is qui...

C# How to maximize chance that particular section of code will have no context switch?

I have time-critical piece of code in my app. I made the thread which runs it Highest priority - that's the most I could do. Is there any suggestions on how to make part of the code run in this thread to be interrupted as few times as possible (less context switch occurred) ? The code is not complicated. I replaced all the method calls...

Is there simple and conscious diagram / algorithm on threads scheduling?

I have soft real-time .NET application run on W2008R2. I just realised that I cant explain how precisely threads are being scheduled. And for my embarassement I dont know how it works down to OS threads at all. So I will explain what I know and I'd appreciate if anyone could help me to fill the gaps and refer me to a simple descripti...

C# When a managed thread ends its time-slice will it incur context switch?

In Russinovich book it says that thread (NOTE: this is about OS thread) will need dispatching (scheduling) if it a) became ready b) ended its timeslice, yields or blocks. I have a managed thread in my C# real-time app for which is very important to achieve as fewer context switches as possible. This thread has Highest priority and the ...

Windows Server 2008 R2 time slice size?

How big is time slice for a thread to run in W2008R2 ? ...

How to update UI from business layer?

I have a three layer application in C#. In business layer i have many threads that do same job . I want to show the progress of each thread on UI , but i don't have the reference of presentation layer . How can i do this ? What's the best way for this ? Thanks . ...

How OS Loaderlock works...

I'm trying to understand in a bit more detail how a OS loaderlock is used in relation to the loading and unloading of DLL's in Windows. I understand that every loaded DLL get notified when a new thread is created/destroyed and or a new DLL is loaded/unloaded. So does that mean that the DllMain function is run inside a lock and no other...

Android: Trouble declaring intent to be fired from a pendingIntent in a notification; done in a broadcastReceiver

I would like to send a notification in a broadcast receiver. the notification should launch the default sms app. Ultimately I want to create my own notifications for incoming text messages consistent with what the deault app, Handcent, and Chomp do. I have the code to detect the threadId of the incoming sms. How can I craft the intent...