
Mysql: 1 Table is periodically crashing

Periodically i have one table in my mysql 5.1.41 database that is crashing. After repairing with myisamchk and some server restarts it crashes again. Anybody who has an idea how i can identify what's causing the problem? ...

InnoDB row size large as compared to MyIsam

I have a table with for columns, a smallint, an integer and two floats. Expected memory for each row is 14bytes (2+4+2*4). I have around 700,000 rows in my table. I've set no primary keys and indices. While the MyIsam type takes around 10MB (average of 15b for each row), the InnoDB type takes more than 30Mb (average of 44b). What am...

How can I recover MySQL tables from data files?

Hi All, I've got a database (all MyISAM tables) and the machine where MySQL was running is no longer bootable. However, we have all the MySQL data files from the data directory. How can I restore the data from the MYD and FRM files, or whatever other files I should be looking at in the data directory? I've been doing some searching o...

optimize mysql database - myISAM db

i have two question about msyql performance with my db using MyISAM engine : 1) what is smart way to solve the problem that when INSERT or UPDATE some rows in one table, many SELECT queries be hang on. 2) Is this easy to change from MyISAM to InnoDB with database is current running? 3) Why myISAM is still be default option of mySQL w...

Should a forum posts table use MyISAM or InnoDB

For a forum, should I use MyISAM or InnoDB for the table that stores the text? I know that MyISAM supports full text searching, which sounds like it's what I should go for, but while reading, I've come across this very confusing sentence. You should use InnoDB when transactions are important, such as for situations in which INS...

With this typical query, are these indexes on my InnoDB table correct or should I change them?

I have a php query that runs fairly often like this one: $query = 'SELECT * FROM work_orders ' .'WHERE ' . "((end_time >= ?" . "AND start_time <= ?) " . "OR (start_time <= ? " . "AND end_time >= ? ) " . "OR (start_time >= ? " . "AND end_time <= ? )) "; And a table defined as: CREATE TABLE IF NOT ...

What is maximum records quantity a MySQL table can store?

How many records can a MySQL MyISAM table store? How many InnoDB can? ...

2 identfical sql queries w' diff params - only one requires temp table

The only difference in these sql queries is the record_id param (it's how I page through entire result set). The tables are myisam. The first query performs well and the second is terribly slow. Any idea why this would be? This query works fine explain select r.record_id, r.oai_datestamp, r.format_id, r.status, x.xml, max(u.date_u...

Should I use InnoDB or MyISAM for a "write-only" table?

I have a table where I'm esentially only writing. Think of it as a "transactions" list, where I keep all the details, and I also have a "total" stored in another table. That total is redundant, for performance, but it can be re-calculated if needed from this transactions table. What is better from a performance point of view, keeping ...


I have two tables: Users and Friendships. The actions I have in the website are: Register Log in Select friends/people from users table Add people as friends There are a little more actions but in general i wanted to know : The Question: Should I use InnoDB or MyISAM for the tables ? ( Or InnoDB for one and MyISAM for the other ? ...

MyIsam vs NDB On Inserts

Hi, I'm considering ways to increase performance of our persistence layer. We want to achieve as many inserts per second as we can and we don't need any transactions at the moment. What I want to know is what MySQL engine faster: standard MyIsam or single-node NDB cluster which will be accessed via ClusterJPA/ClusterJ? P.S. This guy ha...

MySQL InnoDB Text Search Options

Knowing full well that my InnoDB tables don't support FULLTEXT searches, I'm wondering what my alternatives are for searching text in tables ? Is the performance that bad when using LIKE ? I see a lot of suggestions saying to make a copy of the InnoDB table in question in a MYISAM table, and then run queries against THAT table and matc...