
Does de-initialize ncurses using endwin()?

Hi all, I have using ncurses library to show some funny output in the screen.....but in d middle of the program i need to go out temporary from i calling endwin()...after this state my program should be able to using printf() to show a menu to user.Unlucky,my program was unable to show the menu.i try using fflush() afte...

Cross platform solution for automating ncurses-type telnet sessions

Background Part of my work in networking and telco involves automating telnet sessions when legacy hardware doesn't offer easy solutions in other interfaces. Many older pieces of equipment can only be accessed via craft ports (RS-232 serial ports), SNMP, or telnet. Sometimes telnet is the only way to access specific information, however...

Multi-line menu item descriptions in curses

I've got a menu in curses that I'd like to put multi-line descriptions onto. My code puts the description fields on but they don't display if they don't fit on the line. Curses is happy enough printing multi-line text as strings (not as menu descriptions) Any ideas how to get multi-line descriptions working ? ...

Is there a way to define extra colors in PDCurses?

So I'm working with PDCurses, and would like to have more control over the colors I can use in my application. I know I can change the definition of the eight predefined colors with init_color(), but I would like a few more colors to play around with. Is there some way to define custom colors without using one of the slots taken up by ...

Is there a way to force a console application to run at a certain window size (using Pdcurses)?

I'm trying my hand at throwing together a minor roguelike in C++, but I've run into a problem - in order to get the game to display correctly, the console window has to be a bit wide (around 45 rows, 115 cols). It's easy enough to change by right clicking on the menu bar and setting the defaults for windows with the same name, but is th...

ncurses - expect: sleep executes at wrong time

I have some ncurses apps that I need to automate to test repeatedly. I am placing the "sleep" command between "send" commands. However, what i see is that all the sleep's are executed in the beginning before the screen loads. expect concatenates the sends (I see that at the screen bottom during sleep) then issues them together. I have t...

Ncurses User Pointer

I'm trying to learn ncurses, and I'm reading the terrific guide here, but the example at user pointers does not compile. I get this error when I try to compile. menu.cpp: In function 'int main()': menu.cpp:44: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(char*)' to 'void*' menu.cpp:44: error: initializing argument 2 of 'int set_item_use...

Where do stdout and stderr go when in curses mode?

Where do stdout and stderr go when curses is active? import curses, sys def test_streams(): print "stdout" print >>sys.stderr, "stderr" def curses_mode(stdscr): test_streams() test_streams() curses.wrapper(curses_mode) Actual output is stdout stderr Update0 Expected output is stdout stderr stdout stderr entering,...

In-place progress output in the terminal or console

When you run git clone, it updates progress in place. For example, the percentage of the objects received changes in place. user@athena:~/cloj/src$ git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/cloj/src/slime/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 15936, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5500/5...

are there any tree libraries/widgets for (n)curses

Hi - I wondered if there were any tree libraries available for (n)curses. I'm trying to write a component that shows a tree of folders & was curious if there was a prebuilt curses component that could do this. I've checked 'core' curses as well as libraries like CDK - and I can't seem to find anything. If none exists, I'm not averse ...

ncurses transparent console background

My console has transparency enabled, when I run other ncurses apps, I see the the background stays transparent. I'm trying to make my app keep the transparency and not apply a dark black opaque background. This is what I'm doing so far start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); mvprintw(10,10, "Hello...

Cannot do a ncurses overwrite(curscr, savewin) correctly because I ripoffline() before

I have a C/ncurses program that I'm debugging/maintaining. This program does ripoffline twice: first, to put a title bar and the second time to put a menu bar on the top of the page. I need to dropdown some menus so I save the screen before I drop down the menus. In the InitMenu function, I have the following code: savewin = newwin (0...

redrawing on ncurses

I'm trying to redraw the content of a simple loop. So far it prints out to the stdscr 100 lines, and then by using scrl to scroll n lines I get n blank rows. What I want is to keep with the sequence. However, I'm not sure how to redraw the stdscr with the n extra lines. Any ideas will be appreciate it! #include <ncurses.h> int main(vo...

pad prefresh to any window instead of stdscr?

Is there a way I can have a pad refresh to any window instead of (presumably) stdscr? I suppose I could temporarily change stdscr every time I want to draw the pad, but that seems a little silly. ...

If statement not effective

void spriteput(int x,int y, int stype) { char sprite1[5]="OOOO"; char sprite2[5]="OOOO"; char sprite3[5]="OOOO"; char sprite4[5]="OOOO"; if (stype == 1) { char sprite1[5] = " OO "; char sprite2[5] = "OOOO"; char sprite3[5] = "OOOO"; char sprite4[5] = " OO "; mvprintw(2,y,"%s...

What is happening to NCurses and OS X 10.6?

Apparently libncurses...dylib is broken OS X 10.6.3 relative to Mutt, and perhaps other applications, that use ncurses, although it works in 10.6 (as I can attest) and reportedly it works in 10.6.2. Does anyone know if this is a bug or a feature in the view of Apple? If a feature, is there a workaround for people who want to upgrade 10...

NCurses-Like System for Windows

Are there any C++ libraries similar to Ncurses, but for Windows? It seems there are no ports of Ncurses and I need a really good display system like it. Any suggestions? Cross-platform is a plus. ...

Creating terminal based installer/wizard

I would like to create a terminal based installer/wizard. Ideally, it'd be like the Ubuntu server installer, or the Arch Linux installer - a ncurses (?) heavy GUI with lots of form and arrow key goodness. Second best would be a simpler question/answer type thing, similar to the "adduser" command prompting for password, username, etc. ...

Curses for PHP on Windows

Is there a Windows equivalent of ncurses for PHP? I've created a CLI script and want to display various statistics (currently processed record, completion percentage etc.) in a nice way, without outputting loads and heaps of text to the cmd.exe window. The ncurses extension doesn't work on Windows. ...

NCurses and Perl, any guides?

Hi! I need to use NCurses, with Perl. I found some very short bits of text about it but no example at all. Is there anyone aware of any existing guide online? Thanks! ...