
Compilers and negative numbers representations

Recently I was confused by this question. Maybe because I didn't read language specifications (it's my fault, I know). C99 standard doesn't say which negative numbers representation should be used by compiler. I always thought that the only right way to store negative numbers is two's complement (in most cases). So here's my question: ...

String.Format("{0:C2}", -1234) (Currency format) treats negative numbers as positive

Hi I am using String.Format("{0:C2}", -1234) to format numbers. is always formats the amount to a positive number, while I want it to become $-1234 ...

Change NSNumberFormatter's negative format from (xxx.xx) to -xxx.xx

I want to change my NSNumberformatter from displaying negative numbers with parenthesis around them to putting the minus sign in front (or whatever the localized standard is). I would assume I could do this with setNegativeFormat: but reading Apple's oh so thorough docs I am left scratching my head: setNegativeFormat: Sets the fo...

Why is two's complement used to represent negative numbers?

I'm just curious if there's a reason why in order to represent -1 in binary, two's complement is used: flipping the bits and adding 1? -1 is represented by 11111111 (two's complement) rather than (to me more intuitive) 10000001 which is binary 1 with first bit as negative flag. Disclaimer: I don't rely on binary arithmetic for my job! ...

Allow only positive number with text input mask.

Hello flok, I true to set a text input mask which only allow numbers from 0-999, or even better 1-999. So I tried the mask "##0", but unfortunately this also allows negative numbers. Is there a way to allow only positive numbers? Best regards, Enyra ...

Why does multiplying a double by -1 not give the negative of the current answer

I am trying to multiply a double value by -1 to get the negative value. It continues to give me a positive value EDIT: I am putting all the code up. public class DecToTime { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { DecToTime dtt = new DecToTime(); double val = dtt.getNumber("13.930000000000E+02"); S...

how to convert -1 to 1 with javascript ?

how to convert -1 to 1 with javascript ? var count = -1; //or any other number -2 -3 -4 -5 ... or var count = 1; //or any other number 2 3 4 5 ... result should be var count = 1; //or any other number 2 3 4 5 ... ...

negative numbers in python

Hi, everyone I've found some strange behaviour in python regarding negative numbers: >>> a = -5 >>> a % 4 3 Could anyone explain what's going on? ...